Electromagnetism Review Flashcards
What is an atom and what three parts make an atom?
Atoms are the smallest building block. Protons, neutrons, electrons.
What is the law of electric charges?
Charged objects exert a force(a push or a pull) on other charged objects.
Like charges repel or push away
Opposite charges atrract
What magnetic pole is near earths geographic North Pole?
What is a magnetic field and how can we use it to explain a magnets strength?
A magnetic field id the region around the magnet where magnetic forces can act. The closer the magnetic field lines are the stronger the magnet.
How can we “make” magnets and “demagnetize” magnets? Explain the term domains.
To make a magnet you have to align the domains by rubbing the magnet on metal. To demagnetize or randomize the domains in the magnet you drop it or hit it a few times.
Who was Micheal Faraday and what did he show?
Micheal Faraday was a British scientist. He hoped that a magnetic field would make an electric current in the second wire, but he couldn’t. He did have success for an instant though. At the instant he connected the wire to the battery, the galvanometer moved.
What was the war of the currents?
Th War of the currents was a “war” between Tessa and Edison. Tessa supported Alternate current and Edison supported Direct current. Edison went on several smear campaigns to make AC look bad. Tessa and AC “won the war”
What is influence?
One thing making something happen to another
What is a wet cell?
Changes chemical energy in to electrical energy. Wet refers to a liquid electrolyte.
What is an electrolyte?
Chemicals that allow charges to flow. The epsom salt solution served as the electrolyte in the battery.
What is an electrode?
Part of the wet cell which charges enter and exit. The lead “tabs” served as the electrodes. Charges entered one tab, and exited the other.
What is a test lead?
Wires with clips on the ends that lead electricity from one place to another.
What is a variable?
Something that changes and can affect the outcome of an experiment. Test leads, light bulbs sockets, and the wet cell battery all were variables in our experiment.
What is Ohms law?
What is a dry cell?
Changes chemical energy into electrical energy. “Dry” refers to a paste like electrolyte.
What is an ammeter?
An instrument for measuring the number of electro particles passing a point each second. The unit is amperes.
What is amperes?
The name given to the number of electroparticles per second. The unit for electric current.
What is a voltmeter?
An instrument used to measure the amount of energy carried by each eleectroparticle.
What is voltage?
The amount of energy carried by each electroparticle. Unit is volts.
What is resistance?
Resistance reduces the flow of energy in a wire by using some of the energy as in lighting a bulb or running a motor. Resistance can also be a device that reduces the energy by converting some of that electrical energy to heat. Also called electrical friction. The unit is ohms.
What is a battery charger?
A device that changed the wall energy into a form that put influence into the battery.
What are controlled variables?
Variables that do not change in the experiment.
What is a experimental variable?
A variable that is tested or changed in the experiment.
What is a model?
A human made explanation for things you observe and predict things you haven’t seen happen yet.