Elderly Pathologies Flashcards
Complicating factors of elderly assessment
variability, response to illness, presence of multiple pathologies, altered illness/injury presentations, communicative problems, polypharmacy
Misleading findings found in an elderly pt physical exam
inelastic skin mimics decreased turgor mouth breathing mimics dehydration pedal oedema from inactivity non-pathological crepitus or rales in lung bases peripheral pulses difficult to feel
Pneumonia in the elderly
assoc with presence of other chronic diseases
signs and symptoms: cough, fever, SOB, tachycardia, tachypnoea
Signs and symptoms of COPD in elderly pt
extreme anxiety, cyanosis, wheezing, abnormal or diminished breath sounds, dyrhythmias, reduced O2 levels
Pulmonary Embolism in elderly pt
sudden dyspnoea and reduced motility and no other idetntified cause
travel through femoral veins, IVC, heart to lungs
Signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism
unexplained tachycardia
left ventricular failure and sudden tachypnoea
calf discomfort without tenderness
Congestive Heart Failure in elderly pt
ventricular output cannot meet demand
Causes of congestive heart failure
ischaemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathy, dysrthythmias, thyroid disease
signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure
nocturia, paroxysmal nocturnal confusion, large blisters on legs, dyspnoea, fatigue, orthopnoea, dry hacking cough progressing to productive cough with frothy sputum, oedema to legs and feet
Acute MI in elderly pts
most common is silent MI
signs and symptoms of MI
weakness/fatigue, dyspnoea, acute abdo, nausea, syncope, incontinence, confusion
any condition that reduces blood flow to the heart can cause dysrhythmias
Aortic Dissection/aneurysm in elderly pts
-thoracic and abdo
thoracic: tearing chest pain, often assoc with neuro signs and symptoms, asymmetry of upper extremity pulses
Abdo: tearing abdo pain, pulsating mass, unexplained lower back pain, lower extremity weakness numbness pallor and coolness
Signs and symptoms of Stroke
dizziness, behaviour change, headache, ataxia, diplopia (double vision), language disturbance, numbness, vertigo, visual disturbance
causes of GI haemorrhage in elderly pts
peptic ulcer, gastritis, eosophageal varices, NSAID abuse, tumours, divertivulosis
Signs and symptoms of GI haemorrhage in elderly pts
coffee ground emesis, dark or bloody stool, orthostatic hypotension, confusion, increased angina symptoms, weakness, dyspnoea
Causes of bowel obstruction
tumours, surgery, meds, vertebral fractures
signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction
diffuse pain, distension, nausea and vomiting, reduced bowel sounds, fever, weakness, shock
Ptioritis in elderly pts
itching, may indicate underlying liver or kidney disease
Herpes Zoster in elderly pts
from chicken pox virus
painful skin rash with blisters, often in a strip
Debcuitus Ulcers in elderly pts
bed sores
frequently change position and clean, provide padding
Causes of depression in aging pts
growing older, health problems, loneliness and isolation, reduced sense of purpose, fears of dying, recent bereavment
scientific study of effects of aging and age related diseases of the aged
study and treatment of diseases of aged
Chronological Age
number of years elapsed since a person’s birth
only a rough index of physiological or biological development
Biological Age
estimate of a person’s position with respect to his/her potential lifespan
measure of vitality and neurobiological health
may differ in relation to chronological age
Psychological Age
an individual’s adaptive capabilities
adapt by drawing on various characteristics:
learning and memory, intelligence, emotional control and motivational strengths, coping styles
Social Age
refer to social roles and expectations
age graded expectations of peers and family
Types of actions in relation to successful aging
avoidance of disease and disability
continuation of effective physical and psychological functioning in later years
continued active social engagement
Negative associations with aging
economic burden on society and family emotional burden forgetful/senile useless/inadequate irrelevant/forgotten
Societal issues impacting on successful aging
living environments, poverty, loneliness/isolation, social support
a rare genetic condition where symptoms reembling aspects of aging are manifested at an early age
lifespan of approx 13 yo
lamin A gene defective
Werner’s Disease
autosomal dominant WRN gene on chrom 8, unwinds DNA
emerges around puberty
lifespan 40-50yo