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A level Chem OCR B
> EL - Atomic structure > Flashcards
EL - Atomic structure Flashcards
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A level Chem OCR B
(59 decks)
DF - Formulae, equations and amount of substance *01
DF - bonding and structure *01 *02
DF - energetics *03
DF - Kinetics *02
DF - inorganic chemistry and the periodic table
DF - organic functional groups
DF - organic reactions *02
DF - polymers
DF - organic mechanisms
DF - isomerism
DF - sustainability
EL - Formulae, equations and amount of substance *01 *02 *03
EL - Atomic structure
EL - Bonding and structure *01 *02
EL - Inorganic chemistry and the periodic table *01
EL - Equilibria (acid–base) *02
EL - energy and matter
EL - Modern analytical techniques
ES - Formulae, equations and amount of substance
ES - redox *03
ES - Inorganic chemistry and the periodic table *01
ES - equilibria *01
OZ - bonding and structure *01 *02
OZ - kinetics *02
OZ - Inorganic chemistry and the periodic table
OZ - Organic reactions *03
OZ - Reaction mechanisms *01 (and sustainability)
OZ - Sustainability
OZ - Energy and matter
WM - Organic functonal groups
WM - organic reactions *01 *03
WM - Reaction mechanisms
WM - modern analytical techniques
CI - kinetics *02
CI - equilibrium *01
CI - Inorganic chemistry and the periodic table *01
CI - Sustainability
PL - Bonding and structure *01 *02
PL - kinetics *02
PL - Equilibria (acid–base) *01 *02
PL - Organic functional groups
PL - Organic reactions *01
PL - polymers
PL - isomerism
PL - Modern analytical techniques
O - energetics
O - Equilibria (acid–base) *01 *02
O - Energy and matter *03
DM - Formulae, equations and amount of substance *02
DM - bonding and structure
DM - redox *03
DM - Inorganic chemistry and the periodic table *01
DM - Energy and matter *03
CD - Bonding and structure *01
CD - Organic functional groups
CD - Organic reactions *01 *02
CD - Reaction mechanisms *01
CD - Energy and matter
CD - Modern analytical techniques