eisenhower 1953-1961 Flashcards




american war hero
‘i like ike’

promised to end korean war

attacked truman

mistakes inc not defending marshall and the corruption under nixon

dynamin conservatism

emphasised need for balanced budget

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domestic policies


creation of the new department of health, education and welfare

expansion of social secruity to cover 10 million americans

increase in minimum wage by 25 cents - challenged free market

500 million made available for low income public housing - although was insuffiencent to deal with all problems

federal aid highway act 1956 - 41,000 miles of interstate highway built over 20 yrs

establishing a soil bank

admitted alaska and hawaii as states

introduce 2 CR acts

however years were not total success in domestic policy
- had 3 recessions
- growth of CR campaigns
- dealing with McCarthy

only 10 of 83 bills sent to congress were rejected

in final years as president republicans performed badly in the midterm elections 1958 - 34 of 98 senators

his administration was blamed for second recession and perciebed defeat in space race

also struggled with promise to reduce spending - rose from 31% of the budget to 49% in 1961.

40 million were living in poverty

unsuccessfully tried to assimilate idigenous Americans into mainstream society - indian relocation act 1956

eisenhower changed direction of US - religion 1957 66% of pop were protestant

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consumer society


factors which helped growth:
maturing of war bonds

advertising grew from 6 billion to 13 billlion in 1963.

business were investing heavily - these consumer goods inc tvs

building boom followed with large suburbs being built like levittown in new york - for 80,000 families at cost of 8000 per home.

first credit card from diners club 1950 and then american express in 1958.

private debt doubled from 104 billion to 263 billion by 1960 as consumers borrowed to buy cars, tvs ect
growth in debt further stimulated the economy

baby boom added millions of new Americans

late 1950s first of the boomers entered their teenage years - life magazine describe them as a 10 billion power

by 1960 americans owned nearly half of the cars and telephones in the world and 90% of families had a tv.

most workers enjoyed 2 weeks paid holidays

access to suburbs made possible by car boom - chrysler and ford jumped from 5.1 million vechicles per anum to 7.9 million by 1955

highway act further created jobs

kitchen debate

increase in service sector of the economy

live sport and music became more popular - came at expense of cinema
- exception was disney who opened first park in california in 1955

first climate controlled indoor shopping mall opened in Minnesota 1956 - 72 stores and 5200 parking spaces

development of fast food - ray crocs mcdonalds (bought out for 2.7 million) and burger king in 1954.

artists like jackson pollock and muscians like bob dylan.

limits of consumer boom -
quater still lived in poverty
years saw 2 recessions - saw 5 million americans unemployed and production fall by 14%.

overall unemployment remained low - 4.5% and inflation low at 2%

balanced budget by scaling back some of new deal - eg sold off power plans and allowed money from drilling rights to go to states rather than federal gov.

however spending rose by 11% due to military increase and space race

had to set up soil bank as the real prices of food dropped requiring gov to provide subsidies to farmers of 5 billion in 1960

rich grew richer eg rockefellers

ray kroc ammassed fortunes

howver many women lost jobs

old people were isolated

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foreign policy


space race - 1957 soviet put first man made object in space - sputnik and then put sputnik 2 1958 containing dog laikia in space
the US rocket satellite blew up after only climbing 4ft - nicknamed flopnik

arms race - by 1953 hydrogen bombs with power 7x that unleashed on hiroshima were made.

by 1955 the US was keeping a third of its nuclear weapons ready to go at 15 mins notice.

in 1957 usa had 5543 nuclear weapons compared to USSRS 650

developed ICBMS

more bang for the buck

hunagary - 3000 killed and US failed to help

berlin - 1958 krushev demanded west pull out within 6 months - led to geneva conference 1959 - meant krushev came t0 US for 11 day tour

U2 crisis - soviet shot down american U2 spy plane - damaged relations

korea - 1953 armistace signed leavimg korea divided helped by Dulles said they were prepared to use nukes.

vietnam - dulles suggested providing france with nuke, french support slipping so eisenhower agreed to help with air support.
- agreements made to split into north and south

1955 CENTO set up inc iran iraq uk pakistan and turkey

suez crisis

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civil rights


de facto remained norm in north

white flight often left harsh divided eg 8 mile road in Detroit.
black residents who lacked access to cars had shop at local stores which at higher prices.

malcom X tv the hate that hate produced - effect was to terrify white viewers.

south - NAACP court victories against jim crow laws
brown vs board of education - earl warren annouced court ruled in favour of brown.

  • caused KKK to revitalise and signing of southern manifesto by 101 dixiecrat

eisenhower avoided commenting on Emmett till in mississipi

also did not intervene in autherine lucy was expelled from uni of alabama even after NAACP won court case Lucy v Adams

little rock crisis - 1957 set to accept first black students however governor fallbus encouraged opposition - protestors blocked students - eisenhower forced to federalise national guard - escorted them day to day but Cldnt stop intimidation.

montgomery bus boycott - lead by MLK, 381 days of not using buses costing bus companies 80% of their costs per day - browder v Gayle ruled that bus segregation unconstitutional

civil rights bill - subject to filibustering from strom thurmond for 24 hrs and 18 minutes

56% of black citizens in 1959 lived below the poverty line

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