EEO Practical Flashcards
Written outcome measure for a pt with shoulder/elbow/wrist/hand pain?
-Includes pain while UEFS does not
Written outcome measure for an UE patient who is focused on regaining function in ADLs
Measures actual ability to perform tasks, more about function than DASH is.
What is a written outcome measure specific to shoulders
Includes pain and ADLs
Preformance test for elderly shoulder/elbow patient?
arm curl test
Male patients will curl 8lb weight, and females will curl 5lb weight. Pt starts with the hand in neutral position and then supinates as they curl the weight up. Arm is to stay at their side. TIme how many they can do in 30 seconds.
UE preformance test for athletes who need more stability or endurance?
UECKC - Endurance + Stability
UE Y Balance Test
Preformance Measure for a pt with hand/wrist weakness?
Hand Grip Dynomometry
3 trials each hand, take average
How to preform the UE Y balance test
Medial, Superolateral, Inferolateral directions.
3 trials in each direction on each hand are performed.
The maximum reach distances are divided by the subject’s upper limb length to normalize each reach distance.
The composite reach distance was calculated by averaging the greatest trial in each of the 3 normalized reach distances for an analysis of overall performance on the test.
Implication test for all UE patients?
Clear the C Spine
Implication test for a patient lacking shoulder mobility?
Apley Scratch test
Implication test for a patient experiencing shoulder pain?
Examining scapulohumeral rhythm
Have them take off shirt and raise arm multiple times while you examine
Written outcome measure for hand pain?
Michigan Hand Outcome Questionarre
-Asks about pain, work, sleep, hand appearance, fine motor (pick up coin, turn door knob, tie laces, etc.)
Written outcome measure for a patient who is lacking hand function?
Alderson-McGall Hand Function Questionnaire - Only asks about ability to perform different activities (drawing, holding the phone, vacuuming, cutting meat, etc.); measures function
Preformance measure for a patient lacking hand dexterity?
Box and Block Test - Test of manual dexterity; use dominant hand to move blocks from one side of the partition to the other; repeat with nondominant hand. 60 second time limit, count number of blocks moved
Note: Can also use hand grip dynomometry to measure strength
Pt has swollen wrist, what implication test to use?
Figure 8 - Use to measure wrist swelling
Radial styloid process → volarly to ulnar styloid process → head of 2nd metacarpal → 5th metacarpal palmarly → dorsally back to radial styloid
Implication test if you suspect carpal tunnel?
Phalen’s test
Press hands in flexion for 60s, positive if pain reproduced in median nerve distribution
Written outcome measure for a patient w/ LE pain that affects their ADLs?
LEAP Lower Extremity Activity Profile
– All about how LE affects ADLs and impacts the patient’s life, does mention pain.
LE written outcome measure for a patient who plays sports, or is more active/younger, focused on function
LEFS- Mentions higher level activities, running, climbing stairs, all about function. Also captures relevant measures for older people like getting in and out of cars, putting on socks and shoes.
Written Outcome measure for a hip patient who is experiencing trouble with ADLs, Hip Popping, trouble with stairs, lower quality of life
-Includes ADLs, Pain, Stairs, QOL, Includes A LOT OF QUESTIONS
Written Outcome measure for a hip problem for someone who also uses an assistive device?
HHS Harris Hip Score (Mentions assistive device) Also focused on a lot of functional measurements
Written outcome measure for a Knee patient who plays sports or is in pain?
KOOS (Knee Osteoarthritis outcome measure) - Includes Sports, Pain, Quality of life, mentions pain.
Preformance test for an older patient w/ hip or knee pain who is struggling with ADLs
30 second sit to stand
Functional test for athletic patient w/ hip problems, knee problems, or anke problems, potentially late stage ACL?
8 inch step down test- Best for ACL or high functioning knee patient’s
PT first screens that the patient can successfully complete one rep of the step down test. Once cleared, you count how many successful reps they can do in 30 seconds. No trunk lean, twisting, or other compensations.
LE Preformance Test for patient who needs improved stability and is high functioning?
Y Balance Test
The YBT composite score is calculated by summing the 3 reach directions and normalizing the results to the lower limb length( Divide by leg length ASIS to Medial Mal).
Implication test for every LE patient?
Clear the lumbar spine
Implication test for labral problem at hip?
Implication test for SI/hip pathology?
Other hip implication tests to be aware of:
SI Provacation test
we dont need a card for all of these.
Foot written outcome measure that includes pain, sleep, ADLs, and sports?
Foot and ankle disability index
Preformance measure for a knee or ankle/foot patient who is athletic/young?
4 single leg hop tests
Single Hop for distance
3 hops for distance
3 cross over hops for distance (over tape line)
6 meter timed hop
Implication test for arch problem?
Fiess Line
Draw line from medial malleolus to 1st metatarsal head then dot the navicular. Look if it’s above or below to examine the arches.
Navicular above line = pes cavus, below line = pes planus
Implication test for a posterior tibialis problem or any other ankle problem potentially?
Single Heel Rise Test- Screens for Posterior Tib tendinopathy, can they do a single leg heel raise without pain?
Easy implication test for any patient with LE pain?
Gait analysis or Squat Analysis
Implication test for plantar fascia?
Windlass test
Written outcome measure for a back patient who is experiencing pain, difficulty sleeping, trouble with lifting and ADLs
Oswestry Disability Index
Written outcome measure for neck patient who is experiencing pain, difficulty with sleep, personal care, driving
Neck Disability Index
Preformance test for neck patient?
Pt in supine/hooklying position
Pt will retract/tuck chin, then lift head approximately 1 inch above the table
When patient untucks chin or lowers head back down the test is over
you’re finding out the max time they can do it.
Preformance Measure for back pain pt?
Biering Sorensen Back endurance test- Stabilize patient’s legs as the torso is off the mat and the patient will hold this position for as long as they can.
Written outcome measure for a stroke patient?
Stroke Impact Scale (SIS)- Strength; cognition; Mood and emotions; Communication; ADLs and IADLs; Mobility at home and community; UE activities; Social activities; % of recovery
Written outcome measure for a neuro patient who’s a fall risk/balance?
Modified Falls Efficacy Scale (MFES)- Confidence that they won’t fall during certain activities; Balance; ADLs and IADLs; Includes steps; FALL RISK and Older patients
Note: obviously also good for older balance patients
Written outcome measure for neuro patient who’s ADLs are impacted?
Really really focuses on ADLs: Toileting, bathing, transfering, feeding
Written outcome measure for a patient who tests positive when clearng spine and is now spine patient?
Either NDI or Owestry
Preformance measure for Neuro patient’s who have trouble with gait and ADLs?
Timed Up and Go Test (TUG)- Gait and locomotion; Regular footwear and AD, back against the chair, cone 3 m away. 1 practice trial and 2 test trials
Cognition test: count backwards
Manual test: carry a full cup of water
Cutoff level is 13.5 s. >14 s = high risk for falls
Older pts and Fall risk
Preformance Measure for balance/neuro patients who struggle with balance?
4 square step test
4-Square Step Test (4SST)- balance; Steps one foot at a time in clockwise direction back to first square then repeats going counterclockwise. Patient will end in the first square. Pt can’t touch the sticks. Pt should face forward during the test. Take two trials
Implication tests for neuro patients?
Cranial Nerves
Implication test for balance?
Sharpened Rhomberg
Rhomberg (10 sec feet together, 10 second semi tandem, 10 second tandem) - Eyes open and eyes closed for each position w/ arms crossed. This can help you figure out whether or not it’s a static or a dynamic balance problem.