Education studies only Flashcards
What was Durkeim’s explanation for the function of education ?
He describes education as being a miniature society whereby children are integrated into society. Creating social solidarity/cohesion
What is Parson’s view on the function of education ?
Parsons argued that education is a bridge between the particularistic standards of the home and universalistic expectations of the workplace and wider society
What is Davis and Moores explanation of the function of education ?
They argue that education acts as role allocation, the best students go on to the best jobs and the lower achieving students go into the lower payed jobs therefore supporting meritocracy
What is Althuser’s argument about the function of education ?
He argues that edcation acts as an agent of ideological state control, this is because it aims to create a set of universal standards and maintains the myth of meritocracy so that capitalism isn’t questioned
What is Bowles and Gintis’ argument about the role of education ?
They argue that the education system uses the hidden curriculum to create good workers for the bourgeoise through the correspondence principle. The idea that education reflects the workplace
What do Bowles and Gintis argue how hierarchy in education reflects the wokrplace ?
They found that the hierarchy of staff and students e.g. students, teaching assistants, teachers, SLT etc reflect the hierarchy in work through employees, supervisors managers etc.
How do Bowles and Gintis argue that alienation is in both education and the workplace ?
The students have a lack of control over what they learn and the amount of things they can do whilst in school, in the same way as employees lack control over production
How do Bowles and Gintis argue that extrinsic satisfaction is in both education and the workplace ?
The students get pleasure from their grades rather than attending school in the same way employees get pleasure from their salary rather than the work they are completing
How do Bowles and Gintis argue that there is fragmentation within education and the workplace ?
Students experience fragmentation through learning a number of subjects at once in the same way employees complete different tasks in a shift
How do Bowles and Gintis argue there is competition in both education and the workplace ?
There is competition between students through grades and sports days and competition between employees through raises and promotions
What did willis find about working class boys in education ?
He found that the working class boys were labelled as underachieving so became self fulfilling prophecies and formed anti-school subcultures rejecting education
What did Harker argue about the impact of class on educational achievement ?
She found that lower class students were more likely to have poorer living conditions meaning they had less space to play and study, there is also an increased chance of biological hazards such as mould which could lead to increased absence
What did Howard arue about the impact of social class on educational achievement ?
Howard found that lower class families were lesss likely to eat a balanced diet therefore had weaker immune systems and an increased chance of illness leading to higher absences
What did Wilkinson argue about the impact of class on educational achievement ?
He argued that working class children were more likely to experience behavioural issues which mean they will spend more time out of the classroom than their middle class counterparts, leading to their underachievement. this is often due to higher levels of anxiety or hyperactivity
What did Blanden and Machin argue about the impact of class on educational achievement ?
Working class children are more likely to express their behaviours through temper tantrums and fighting leading to more time out of the classroom and therefore underachievement
What did bull argue about the impact of material deprivation on educational achievement ?
“the costs of free schooling” some pupils lack the whole education experience as their parents cannot afford the equipment or school trips that other parents can
What did Tanner find about the impact of material deprivation on educational achievement ?
He found that many working class famies can only afford the basic uniform and equipment, this can lead to the children being bullied and feeling isolated which could make them retreat and underachieve due to a lack of confidence
What did Callender and Jaxon find about the cost of university impacting w/c students choices ?
They found that the wokring class had a larger fear of debt and will avoid university as they will lack support from home
What is the aim of educational action zones ?
there are areas in which teaching staff were supplied to low achieving areas as an attempt to increase educational achievement in deprived areas
What was the excellence in cities programme ?
This was implimented in urban areas, the aim was to increase inclusivity in education to raise attainment
How is the educational maintenance allowence a way to increase attainment ?
This aims to reduce material depreivation for working class students, it aims to cover transport uniform and equipment needed for high achievement
How was sure start a way to increase education achievement in lower class families ?
Children in deprived areas were given check up and development opportunities through play to try and raise their skill levels especially in motor skills
How has pupil premium increased attainment ?
This gives more students access to extracuricular activities and reduces the hidden costs of education for parents such as school trips
What did Douglas argue about parental interest impacting attainment ?
He found that more working class parents were less involved in their childrens education through events such as parents evenings and encouraged their children to seek immediate gratification and less likely to encourage their child to stay in further or higher education
How does Feinstein argue that middle class parents give their children a better chance at educational achievement ?
He argued middle class parents were more consistant with their children at home and that they were more likely to get their children involved in educational activities outside of school they are also more likely to spend money on better activities for their childs development