Economy and society: Khrushchev Flashcards
What did Khrushchev set out to do in agriculture?
To modernize it, improve efficiency and output and make the Soviet Union self sufficient.
What was his first agricultural scheme?
1954- the Virgin lands scheme to expand farming into unused areas of Kazakhstan and Siberia.
What were the results of the scheme?
Short term, they were a great success, but in the longer term the harvests became unpredictable as the soil was suffering from erosion.
What was his other scheme?
A maize growing initiative, only 1/6th of the 85 million acres planted actually grew!
What happened with agriculture?
1963- bad weather, lack of fertilizers and exhausted soil led to harvests being 1/3 of what was expected and the ussr had to import grain from the usa.
What did Khrushchev do to industry?
In 1959 he introduced the 7 year plan which emphasized heavy industry but also looked to the development of chemicals and plastics.
How did Khrushchev implement the plan?
He decentralized the system and set up regional councils known as soznarkhozy to oversee economic development.
What were the results of decentralization?
Made many party bureaucrats unhappy and created more bureaucracy as a lack of communication between soznarkhozy led to confusion and the misuse of resources.
How did Khrushchev treat workers?
In 1956 he introduced a living wage and embarked upon a huge house building scheme which allowed workers to move out of overcrowded living areas.
What did Khrushchev set up?
105 regional economic councils to replace the national ministries, they were intended to replace bureaucracy, instead they created an extra layer of it!
How did Khrushchev treat religion?
He led a campaign against it, closing down Russian orthodox churches and monasteries and imprisoning priests. Atheism was made a subject on the school curriculum and religious people were discriminated against.
How did Khrushchev change the welfare system?
Doubled welfare spending in 9 years and quadrupled pension spending 1950-59.
What other welfare reforms did he introduce?
1961- free school, factory and office lunches, free public transport and free healthcare for farmers.
Give two statistics showing how life improved under Khrushchev
- Infant mortality fell from 81/1000 to 27/1000. 2. The death rate fell from 9.7/1000 to 7.3/1000 from 1950-65
Describe Khrushchev’s housing policy
He had housing blocks called k-7s/khrushchoyovka built, they could be constructed quickly as they used standardized prefabricated pieces as opposed to bricks, families had apartments to themselves, heating and running water.
Give three policies which improved the lives of women
- Abortion was legalized in 1955. 2. Paid maternity leave was increased from 77 to 112 days in 1956. 3. Better crèche and childcare facilities were introduced.
How were Khrushchev’s reforms for women limited?
Contraception was not readily available and crèche hours prevented them from having full working lives.
What happened to youth groups under Khrushchev?
He tried to include them in his policies, he wanted to use Komsomol to hold party officials to account for their actions.
Give three educational reforms under Khrushchev
- Compulsory basic education for 8 years. 2. Alternative secondary general and polytechnic labor schools with production training. 3. Emphasis on science in higher eduction, with the introduction of quantum physics, genetics and relativity.
What were naukograd?
Scince cities built during the cultural thaw, they were for scientific research and development and were constructed around the Urals and Siberia.