economic developments Flashcards
How large was the population of England at the beginning of the 15th century ?
2.2 million
How large was London’s population at the beginning of the 15th century ?
How much of the value of English exports did the cloth trade account for ?
During Henry VII, what was the estimated increase in the volume of cloth exports ?
When were the merchant adventurers founded ?
What were the merchant adventurers ?
one of the wealthiest and most influential companies in London
What industry/ trade did the Merchant adventurers come to dominate ?
the London cloth trade
Most people in England were _____ dwellers
Henry traded largely with the _______ ___________ in Wool and cloth
The Burgundian Netherlands
When was Henry’s first navigation act ?
What did Henry’s first navigation act of 1485 aim to do ?
to promote trade and break the monopoly by the hanseatic league.
What was the hanseatic league ?
A group of German states who had a tight hold over European trade
What did Henry do in 1489 to further encourage trade and break the monopoly of the Hanseatic league (to do with Portugal)
Henry renewed an earlier treaty with Portugal to encourage trade
When did Henry introduce a treaty with Florence ?
What did Henry’s treaty with Florence in 1490 do ?
Florence, which was one of Venice’s trading rivals, was now able to market English wool in Florence controlled Pisa.
In 1492, what import duty did Henry introduce ?
He introduced an import duty on wine brought to England on Venetian (venice) ships.
A the beginning of Henry’s reign, What happened to the export of raw wool ?
The export of raw wool was halved and overtaken by woollen cloth.
What processes involved in the production of woollen cloth took place in the home ?
carding, spinning and weaving