Ecology test Flashcards
R vs K growth, Biogeochemical cycles (N,C,P) Invasive Species Sustainability
what type of growth is exponential grouwth (describe graph)
Has a lag phase but then goes up increasingly fast (no carrying capacity phase)
when would you say r-
to describe the animal or thing that you are graphing
how to graph both growths
of indivulaes on the left side - time at the bottom
what are the characteritisics/signs of exponential growth
- usual small
- lots of offspring (babies)
- short life span
examples of exponenrtial growth animals
-insects (spiders)
-salmon(lay 100s of eggs)
What growth are turtles
- they are big but they have a bunch of babies and most of them don’t even make it to the water bf being killed
2 Example of exponential growth
- in the spring there are 100 bunnies -> late spring there are 1,000 bunnies after they mated and gave birth – lag phase = is in the winter - exponential phase = late spring after mating and birth
- 2 geese have 5 babies each of those 5 babies have there own five babes - 2, 7, 32 ect.
lag phase
slow growth (beggining of graph)
exponential phase
increasing increasingly - faster rate - not conastants ( increases more every time
what type of a graph is Logistic Growth
Lag phase -> exp phase -> carrying capacity ( lagging, spikes up, then it becomes steady. ex 2 ,4 -> 50, 108 -> 105, 107
carrying capacity
Depending if you have … affects if you have a low of a high cc
- food
-higher temp
hunting, fishing
Highest carrying capacity in the world
Coral reefs + rainforest
signs/ charactertisics of logistic growth
-few off springs
-longer life spans
the moms normally stay by their kids like polar bears and thats why they don’t have a lot of babies + thats why they live longer
can somethign fit in both graphs?
no everything fits one graph
examples of k-growth species
polar bears, elephant, giraffe, pine tree, maple trees
exmplantion of a logistic growth situation
a few deers -> they start to mate and go into the expontiaonl phase -> then people start hunting them which is the carrying capacity
how do invasive species flourish/not die
-lack of predators
- no co-evouluation (ex. nothing evolves to be immune to the venom or like the taste ex)
-weather conditions are perfect (condionts like where it normaly lives)
where do most evasive species normally live
tropical areas