Ecology (Biomes) Flashcards
Deep roots and waxy leaves maximize water conservation in this biome.
Spruce trees, fern trees, and pine trees produce cones, needles, and sap for surviving the cold in this biome.
Trees like oak and maple trees experience seasonal variation in this biome.
Deciduous Forest
In this biome plants provide habitats both low in the shrubs and high in the canopy.
Tropical Rainforest
In this biome plants group together low to the ground to resist strong winds.
Bright colors and camouflage represent animals from this biome.
Tropical Rainforest
Grazing animals prevent the vegetation in this biome from outcompeting.
In this biome animals like bears hibernate and birds migrate in the winter.
Burrowing, long ears, and being nocturnal is common in this biome.
Reptiles such as snakes are cold-blooded in this biome.
This biome has polar ice such as the North Pole and Antarctica
Most of Earth is covered by this biome, but it has been turned into farms.
This biome is characterized by winters of up to 6 months below freezing.
This biome is most likely found closest to the equator.
Tropical Rainforest
This biome is mostly found in the eastern United States and Europe
Deciduous Forest
This biome has the highest species richness and biodiversity of them all
Tropical Rainforest
In this biome, precipitation falls as rain in the spring and snow in the winter.
Deciduous Forest
This biome lacks shelter from predators but has an abundant food source.
In this biome, temperatures can range from extremely hot to really cold.
In this biome, the soil remains frozen throughout the year in permafrost.
Why do we have different biomes around the world? Why do the same biomes appear in vastly different regions of the Earth?
Climate in various regions dictate the plant and animal life that can live there. These plants and animals possess the same adaptations to survive in each climate.