ECG (interpreting of results to end) Flashcards
A tracing in ECG consists of _________________________________
repeated waves that have a standard shape
What are the waves found in tracing in ECG?
P wave, QRS complex, ST segment, and T wave.
What is the interval called between the P wave and QRS complex?
PR interval
What is the interval called between the T wave and QRS complex?
QT interval
What is the standard shape in tracing found in ECG?
Squiggly line
Tracing can be used to determine which part of the heart is abnormal
Based on different condition that associates with height, width/segment, length, intervals of waves through ECG determine if there is abnormalities
specific changes in tracing of ECG does not matter to what specific condition
If the patient has shortened QT interval this indicates ___________
problem with Px’s electrodes (hypercalcemia)
What is being checked in ECG tracing?
rhythm, heart rate, axis
What is the space between the lines of ECG paper?
Hash marks (3secs)
What is the X axis and Y axis in ECG?
X axis is TIME and Y axis IS AMPLITUDE
What is the equivalent of big square in amplitude?
5mm or 0.5mV
What is the equivalent of big square in time?
200 milliseconds or 0.2secs
What is the equivalent of small square in amplitude?
1mm or 0.1mV
What is the equivalent of small square in time?
40milliseconds or 0.04secs
What is the standard voltage in ECG?
1mV or 10mm or 10 small squares or 2 big squares
What is the paper speed?
25mm/sec or 5 big squares or 25 small squares
One minute occupies how many number of squares?
300 large squares or 1500 small sqaures
What is the equivalent of one big square to small square?
How many squares can P wave occupy?
2 small squares
How many seconds can P wave occupy?
80 milliseconds or 0.08secs
If an ST segment occupies 3.5 small squares, how much time and voltage it can occupy?
140 millisecs (3.5x40msec) and 0.35mV (3.5mVx0.1mV)
What is a waveform?
Movement away from the baseline in either a positive or negative direction
What is a segment?
line between wave forms
What is a interval?
waveform and a segment
What is an example of a interval?
QT interval
A complex in ECG ____________________
Consists of several waveforms
Which color coding standard for 12 lead ECG is currently used?
AHA Systems or the American Heart Association
What is the limb electrode for AHA System?
Black lead over red lead (Smoke over fire)
What is the leads for IEC System?
White lead over green lead (Snow over grass)
V2 chest lead represent ____________________
What are the two color coding standard for 12 lead ECG?
American Heart Association and International Electrotechnical Commission
In AHA system, what is the color for RIGHT ARM?
In AHA system, what is the color for LEFT ARM?
In AHA system, what is the color for RIGHT LEG?
In AHA system, what is the color for LEFT LEG?
From V1 to V6 what is the color in AHA system?
Brown + RYGBOP
In IEC system, what is the color for RIGHT?
In IEC system, what is the color for LEFT?
In IEC system, what is the color for NEUTRAL?
In IEC system, what is the color for FOOT?
From C1 to C6 what is the color in IEC system?
White + RYGBBP
In ECG, how do you determine the axis?
Look at leads I and aVF (lead I = left thumb, aVF = right thumb)
In interpreting ECG results, if the deflection is positive, what direction does the thumb go?
In interpreting ECG results, if the deflection is negative, what direction does the thumb go?
To determine the axis in ECG interpretation, what is right thumb UP, left thumb DOWN?
Right axis deviation
To determine the axis in ECG interpretation, what is left thumb UP, right thumb DOWN?
Left axis deviation
To determine the axis in ECG interpretation, what is two thumbs UP?
To determine the axis in ECG interpretation, what is two thumbs DOWN?
Extreme right axis deviation or intermediate axis
What is the basis for computation of axis?
Hexagonal Reference System
ALL abnormalities in the heart can be detected in ECG
What are the abnormalities that can be determined in ECG?
- Arrythmia -
- Bradycardia, Tachycardia
- Abnormal pacemakers
- Heart block
- Myocardial ischemia/injury/infarction
- Cardiac enlargement
- Hyperkalemia/Hypokalemia
- Hypercalcemia
Which wave does activation of aorta is observed?
P wave
QRS complex can indicate the activation of _______________
This is the recovery wave _____________
T wave
Aneurysms can be detected through echo
It can be detected through ECG
What clinical condition can be observed through looking at the ST depression?
What are the ST depressions observed in the most important cause of ST segment?
Downsloping, upsloping, and horizontal
Ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac enlargement demonstrates ________________
very tall R waves, very deep S waves, QRS interval of >0.10secs
What are the two types of ventricular hypertrophy?
Right and left ventricular hypertrophy
Describe the waves of left ventricular hypertrophy
Tall R waves in V5/V6, deep S waves in V1/V2
Describe the waves of right ventricular hypertrophy
Tall R waves in V1/V2, deep S waves in V5/V6
What is the normal value of QRS interval?
0.1secs or 2.5 squares
If the QRS interval exceeds the normal value of 0.1 secs, this indicates _____________
ventricular hypertrophy
What are the three clinical conditions that can be observed through ECG discussed?
Ischemia, Ventricular hypertrophy or cardiac enlargement, and ionic imbalance
Describe hyperkalemia
It has very tall T waves
Describe hypokalemia
It has prominent U wave (3-5mm)
Describe hypocalcemia
prolonged ST and QT intervals