Eberline Flashcards
What is the Eberline used to detect?
Gamma and Xray rad (scintillator, pancake probe or FH40 meter)
Alpha and Beta Rad- Pancake probe
What nomenclature of the Eberline needs to be identified?
Battery pack
Location of batteries
Number and size of batteries
Internal probe
External probes and connector
Function key
How do you turn the Eberline on?
Press the upper left button with a circle on it.
Explain the function of the Green light.
Green light =linked with scintillator
“Heartbeat” linked with scintillator
Explain the function of the red light
Red light= no link to scintillator
Flashing = Not NORM (man made threat/SNM/IND/MED)
What does NORM stand for?
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
What measurements does the Eberline read?
R, mR, and ųR
True/false: the Eberline unit is directional dependent?
The Eberline has a range of _____ with a ____ degree cone
90 ft, 75 degree cone
What probe do you attach to monitor for Alpha radiation?
Pancake probe.
After attaching the pancake probe the meter will automatically change from ______ to _____
What do we always do prior to entry per the Eberline worksheet?
Obtain a background reading and report that to hazard sector.
Contamination of a person is ____
Twice backround
Hot zone is established at _______
Per the Eberline worksheet, what are 3 other rad instruments on the trucks?
Pen Dosimeter