EAS 210 - Final Topics Flashcards
What are some examples of primary structure in deformed sedimentary rocks?
Ripple marks
Cross Bedding
Mud cracks
If a cylinder of rock is 1 m long and longitudinal stress is applied and the length increases by 1 mm, what is the longitudinal strain?
Under what conditions is folding more likely to occur than faulting?
High confining pressures and high temperatures
What is strike?
The line formed by the intersection of an inclined plane with a horizontal plane
What type of faults neither thicken or thin Earth’s crust?
Strike-Slip Faults
On the surface of what planet have strike-slip faults been observed?
Which faults do dip-slip faults include?
Normal Faults
Reverse Faults
Thrust Faults
The _____ is located between the surface and the water table and is _____ with water
A. Phreatic zone - completely saturated
B. Vadose zone - completely saturated
C. Saturated zone - completely saturated
D. zone of aeration - partially saturated
E. Groundwater zone - partially saturated
D. Zone of aeration - partially saturated
List the following in order of increasing permeability:
Sandstone | Shale | Soil
Shale, Sandstone, Soil
A rock has a porosity of 50% and is saturated with water. It is drained with a specific yield of 30%. What is the specific retention?
Suppose your land is at an elevation of 100 m, and you drilled down 50 m before finding the water table. If your neighbor’s land is at an elevation of 75 m, how far down will they have to drill to find the water table? Assure an unconfined, homogenous aquifer.
25 m
What is Darcy’s Law?
A description of how groundwater will flow in the subsurface
What conditions does a layer made of clay exhibit?
High porosity and low permeability
What is porosity?
The proportion of the rock volume which is void space.
What is a speleothem?
A feature formed in a cave by deposition of chemical sediment