Earth, Space and Ecosystems Assessment Flashcards
What are Satellites
Satellites are objects are things that orbit a planet
What is an Artificial Satellite
Artificial Satellites are man-made satellites that orbit the planet, weather that be the ISS or some space junk.
What is a natural Satellite
A natural Satellite is a satellite that orbits the Earth, but is not man-made. We only have one natural satellite: The Moon.
Why Do we have seasons
We have seasons because of the Earth’s tilt (23.4°). This means that in the summer, the sun is shining on a bigger surface of the Earth than as it would in the Winter. This means that the days are longer in the summer, and shorter in the winter too.
The stages of the moon:
Moon is fully Dark (0/0)
Moon is partially lit on the right hand side (around 1/4)
Moon is half lit on one side (1/2)
The Moon is nearly full lit up on one side (3/4)
The moon is fully lit on one side (1/1)
The Moon is nearly full lit up on one side, not on the right (3/4)
Moon is around a quarter lit (1/2)
Moon is partially lit on the right hand side (around 1/4)
Moon is fully Dark (0/0) - New
Moon is partially lit on the right hand side (around 1/4) - Crescent
Moon is around a quarter lit (1/2) - First Quarter
The Moon is nearly full lit up on one side, not on the left (3/4) - Gibbous
The moon is fully lit on one side (1/1) - Full
The Moon is nearly full lit up on one side, not on the right (3/4) - Gibbous
Moon is around a quarter lit (1/2) - Third Quarter
Moon is partially lit on the right hand side (around 1/4) - Crescent
(Also see Activate 1, page 154 for images)
What is a Solar Eclipse
A Solar Eclipse when the moon blocks out the light coming from the Sun and casts a shadow on the Earth.
If you’re standing in a place where the light is completely blocked, then it is …
Part of the Umbra
If you’re standing in a place where the light is partially blocked, then it is …
Part of the Penumbra
What is a Lunar Eclipse
A Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth totally blocks out all of the Sun’s light from the Moon.
What is a Total Eclipse
A Total Eclipse is when the whole of the surface of the sun or moon is obscured and cannot be seen.
The Layers of the Earth
Inner Core
Outer Core
Properties of the Inner Core
It is the centre of the Earth
It is solid because of the sheer amount of pressure created. As a result, it can reach up to 5,500°C.
It contains Iron and Nickel which create the Earth’s Magnetic field
Properties of the Outer Core
This is found around halfway to the centre of the Earth.
The state of matter is liquid as the pressure has decreased
Isn’t quite as hot as the Inner Core, but still extremely Hot
Properties of the Mantle
This is the widest section of the Earth. It is around 2900km long
It is mainly made out of molten rock, which cools as it rises up towards the crust, but can melt at different rates
The hot molten rock rises and the cooler sinks.
At the top of the Mantle, there is the Lithosphere, where the Tectonic Plates are found.
Properties of the Crust
The crust is the outermost layer of the Earth and also the smallest. Averaging from 8km-40km deep.
The Tectonic Plates separate the Mantle from the Crust
The Crust is mainly made of Solid Rock
Things that add Carbon Dioxide to the Atmosphere
Respiration - In which Carbon Dioxide is a Waste Product of. (Glucose + Oxygen —> Water + Carbon Dioxide)
Combustion - Fuels like wood, petrol and methane produce Carbon Dioxide when burned. (Methane (any fuel above) + Oxygen —> Carbon Dioxide and Water
And burning Fossil Fuels and Deforestation
Things that subtract Carbon Dioxide to the Atmosphere
Photosynthesis - Plants use Carbon Dioxide and Glucose to create energy for themselves (Carbon Dioxide + Water (light) —> (light) Oxygen + Glucose (+Energy)
Dissolving - Carbon Dioxide can dissolve in large bodies of water such as Seas and Oceans.
Carbon Stores Include:
The Atmosphere
Oceans Containing Dissolved Carbon Dioxide
Sedimentary Rocks, such as calcium carbonate
Fossil Fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas
Plants and Animals
Why does Global Warming Happen?
Global Warming is taking place because of the build up of Carbon Dioxide and Greenhouse Gasses up beside the Ozone Layer
There is a clear and very string positive Correlation between increase in CO2 and increase in Temperature since the 1850’s
Products of Climate Change
Climate Change Could mean:
Sea Levels rising, more loss of ice
Average Global Temperature to rise
More Stormy Weather
More extremes of different types of weather occurring over a short period of time
How is Aluminium Recycled?
Firstly, the the decoration is removed from the metal and it is shredded.
Then, a furnace melts the shreds and the liquid cools and freezes in a mould. Now an Aluminium ingot is created.
The ingot is heated up to 600°C to soften it before it is rolled out to create new products.
Advantages of Recycling
Means resources will last longer
Uses less energy than using new materials.
Reduces waste and pollution
No other wastes are create by recycling, unlike if you were to freshly extract, for example, Aluminium from it’s ore.
Disadvantages of Recycling
The lorries and tucks that collect recycling burn fuel and increase pollution.
Not all materials are easy to recycle.
Companies that recycle plastic waste need to separate different the types of plastics or else it can’t be recycled properly. This process is often done by hand and can be very time consuming.