Ears Flashcards
What is the fancy word for the outer fleshy/cartilaginous part of the ear?
The pinna/auricle.
The walls of the lateral third of the external acoustic meatus are made of _______ while the medial 2/3 is made of _______.
lateral third: cartilage
medial 2/3: bone
What are the glands called that make ear wax?
Ceruminous glands
What is the tip of the malleus called when visualized through an otoscope?
The umbo
What makes up the roof of the middle ear aka tympanic cavity? What is located directly above it?
Tegmen tympani (a bone). Middle cranial fossa is located directly above the tympanic cavity.

What structures are found on the anterior wall of the tympanic cavity?
The canal for the tensor tympani muscle and the eustachian tube/pharyngotympanic tube

What structures are found on the lateral wall of the tympanic cavity?
Incus, malleus, chorda tympani, tympanic membrane

What structures are found on the posterior wall of the tympanic cavity?
Origin of the stapedius muscle, opening to the mastoid air cells

What structures are found on the medial wall of the tympanic cavity?
Prominence of the lateral semicircular canal
Round window
Oval window (closed by the stapes)
Tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve –> glossopharyngeal (CN IX)

What muscles attach to the auditory ossicles and what is their innervation? What is their function?
Tensor tympani is innervated by mandibular nerve (V3)
Stapedius is innervated by facial nerve (VII)
When they contract they reduce the movement of the ossicles to protect against loud noise.

What is above the tympanic cavity?
Middle cranial fossa
What major structure is found below the floor of the tympanic cavity?
Internal jugular vein
Name the three auditory ossicles.
Malleus, incus, stapes
What part of the stapes attaches to the oval window?
The base/footplate
Which nerves carries general sensation from the mucosa of the tympanic cavity? What else does this nerve do?
Tympanic branch of CN IX (glossopharyngeal), also carries parasympathetic fibers
Which nerves supply parasympathetics to the following:
- Parotid glands
- Submandibular glands
- Sublingual glands
Lesser petrosal (CN IX) supplies parotid glands
Chorda tympani (CN VII) supplies submandibular and sublingual glands

- Uncinate process
- Ethmoidal bulla