Early Modern Period Flashcards
Spain revived what
Deep draft round hulled sailing ships
Ships guns and cannons
Portuguese traveled down what coast
Cape of good hope
S tip of Africa. Navigated to find a direct to India
Da Gama
First European to reach India
Christopher Columbus
Initiated European discoveries
Ferdinand Magellan
1st to circumnavigate the world looking for passage to England
Pax mongolica ending results
Silk Road not as safe, Ottoman Empire controlled eastern Mediterranean Sea and taxed trade
Turning point of Spanish decline
British defeats Spanish Armada
Line of demarcation
Line pope drew around the world to split Spain and Portugal
Religious refugees went to
North America
Latin America colonies came for
French have better relationship with
7 years war
East India company
Indian Ocean
West India company
Atlantic and gulf
Didn’t enslave
Effects of Columbian exchange
Spread disease
Introduced potatoes
Bring horses and wheel to America
Spanish victory vs Ottoman Empire
Spanish took control of med
Economic theory that stressed gov promotion of limitation of imports to improve taxes
Better diet=
Pop. Boom
China and Japan trade policy
Didn’t initiate
Vasco de balboa
First spainard to start settlement on mainland of South America
Francisco Pizarro
Led conquests of incas
Seven years war
Resulted in Prussian seizures of Austria
English seizures of India and North America
Treaty of Paris
New France goes to England in exchange for French sugar island
New focus on what families
Cape colony
Dutch colony at cape of good hope
French power destroyed in
Won concerts in Philippines
Spanish missionaries
Invention of
Gutenberg printing press in vernacular languages so increase in literacy
Grants a person absolution from punishment for their sins
Martin Luther
Catholic Priest who’s excommunication started Protestant church
Wrote 95 theses
John Calvin
Started Huguenots (French Protestant) and puritans
King Henry VIII
Wanted male heir
Pope wouldn’t let him divorce wife so he stated Church of England
John Knox
Presbyterian Scotland
People like Protestant because it was more
Missionaries of Catholic Church
Council of Trent
Got rid of much of church’s corruption wrote index of prohibited books
Henry IV
Converted to Catholicism
Thirty years war
Most of the fighting in Germany most of Europe
Resulted in peace of Westphalia which allowed each area of Roman Empire to decide on on of 3 religious options
French civil war
Catholics kill Huguenots
Scientific revolution
People start turning away from religion
English civil revolution
Puritan revolution
Got rid of monarch than restarted
Glorious revolution
No one dies
William and Mary of the Netherlands come to rule James II flees
English bill of rights
Assured civil liberties signed by William and Mary
Royal officials sent out to execute orders of central gov
Louis XIV
refused to share power
Economic problems through war
Scientific advancements
Empiricism, Royal academy of science, newtons principia
Nicola Copernicus
Johannes Kepler
Elliptical orbit
Struggle between science and
Catholic Church
Effects of scientific revolution
Technology,weakening of church, enlightenment
Belief that there is a god but he doesn’t intervene
Working class
Adam smith
Wrote wealth of nations (capitalism)
Commercial revolution
Shift from local trading to international new world
Causes of commercial revolution
European colonies, new ocean trade routes, population growth, inflation
Joint stock companies
Owned by investor who bought stock in them
Causes of inflation
Too much silver
Many Philippines became
British and Dutch gov
French gov
2 parts of Renaissance
Italian and Flemish
Francesco and Boccaccio
Humanists secular
Nieolo Machiaveli
Similar to Thomas Hobbs against enlightenment wrote the prince
Italy declines because
Atlantic replaces med
Francis 1
First king of France
Ivan III
Ivan the great
Claimed descent from rurik
Freed Russia from Mongols
Expanded territory
Adopted Mongol social habits but remained
Christian reduced Literacy rate
Russia called
3rd rome
Increase in
Ivan IV
Has good and bad years, killed heir, attached authority of boyars
Continues Russian expansion
Similar to pioneers, peasants recruited to settle newly seized land
Russian expansion caused central Asian nomads to
Better contact with
Western Europe
Expansion caused Russia to be
Time of troubles
Boyars competed for power
The assembly of boyars chose a member of Romanov family to be tsar
Civil war boyars vs nobles
Trade fur grain and timber
Romanov dynasty
Elected at the end of the times of trouble ruled for 300 years
Old believers
Russians who refused to accept reforms of Alexis Romanov exiled
Alexis Romanov
Michaels successor
Abolished assembly of nobles
Tried to purge church of Mongol influence
Restraints on serfs
Established order Drove out facism Expanded Waging war on Poland and captured Kiev
Economy based on
Peter I
Growth of absolutism/conquest Parts of economy and culture become westernized Peter the Great Improved military Weaponry Eliminated noble courts Encouraged women's rights
Westernization didn’t affect
Mining and making guns
Grand embassy
Peter goes to Western Europe and brings back ideas of economy and culture
Catherine the great
German born
Ruled after assassination of her husband
Gave appearance of enlightened ruled
Maintained nobility by giving them power over the serfs
Pugachev rebellion
Led by emelian pugachev who claimed to be tsar. Catherine crushed it
Won new territory from
Ottoman Empire
Encouraged exploration all the way to
The Americas
Partition of Poland
Division of Poland
Eliminated independent Poland
Russia closed off doors to Western Europe during
French Revolution
Russian gov actively promoted
Manufacturing and technology ____ west
Lagged behind
Same culture through out
Fredrick the great
Ruled Prussia Enlightened despot (absolute monarch) bureaucracy
No merchant
Who opened the first navigation in Portugal
Prince Henry the navigator