Early Childhood: Cognitive Development Flashcards
symbolic thought
symbolic thought, an object or a word can stand for something else, including something out of sight or imagined.
pre operational intelligence
Preoperational intelligence means the young child is capable of mental representations, but does not have a system for organising this thinking (intuitive rather than logical thought). The child is egocentric – which is they have problems distinguishing from their own perceptions and perceptions of others.
Symbolic thought helps explain animism, the belief of many young children that natural objects (such the sun and clouds) are alive and that nonhuman animals have the same characteristics as the child.
A characteristic of preoperational thought in which a young child focuses (centers) on one idea, excluding all others.
literally, “self-centeredness.” Egocentric children contemplate the world exclusively from their personal perspective.
Preoperational thinkers fail to recognize that reversing a process might restore whatever existed before. A young girl might cry because her mother put lettuce on her sandwich. She might still reject the food when the lettuce is removed because she thinks what is done cannot be undone.
The principle that the amount of a substance remains the same (i.e., is conserved) even when its appearance changes.
Zone of proximal development
the space between what a learner can do without assistance and what a learner can do with adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers.
Learning requires wise and willing mentors to provide scaffolding, or temporary support, to help children within their developmental zone
examples: guiding children to look both ways when crossing a street
private speech
The internal dialogue that occurs when people talk to themselves (either silently or out loud).
Executive function
The cognitive ability to organize and prioritize the many thoughts that arise from the various parts of the brain, allowing the person to anticipate, strategize, and plan behavior.
the theory about how children think is that they construct a theory.
one child thought Grandpa died because God was lonely; another thought thunder meant God was rearranging the furniture; a third thought mountains were created to stop the world from floating away.
Theory of mind
Theory of Mind is the branch of cognitive science that investigates how we ascribe mental states to other persons and how we use the states to explain and predict the actions of those other persons.
Part of theory of mind is understanding that someone else might have a mistaken belief. For example, a child watches a puppet named Max put a toy dog into a red box. Then Max leaves and the child sees the dog taken out of the red box and put in a blue box.
When Max returns the child is asked, “Where will Max look for the dog?” Without a theory of mind, most 3-year-olds confidently say, “In the blue box”; most 6-year-olds correctly say, “In the red box.”
Fast Mapping
Fast-mapping is the ability to acquire a word rapidly on the basis of minimal information
An example of fast mapping occurs when a child uses a familiar word to figure out an unfamiliar word. If someone shows a child a picture of a dog and a picture of a platypus, and then they are asked to point to the platypus, they should know what it is simply by knowing what the dog is