Chapter 11 Flashcards
The term multifinality refers to a condition in which the same cause leads to different outcomes.
Equifinality is the understanding that many different pathways, or risk factors, may result in the same outcome
What is the difference between Multifinality and Equifinality?
Equifinality is the understanding that many different pathways, or risk factors, may result in the same outcome.
Multifinality is the understanding that a specific risk factor may result in a multitude of developmental outcomes
What is developmental psychopathology?
the scientific study of the origins and progression of psychological disorders as related to the typical processes of human growth and maturation.
Principles of _______ and _______ should lead to caution in diagnosis and treatment
Multi-finality and Equifinality
What is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Condition in which a person is not only has difficulty concentrating for more than a few moments but also is inattentive, impulsive, and overactive
When do symptoms for ADHD begin
Symptoms must begin before the age of 12
symptoms must be evident in how many environments?
It has to be presented in more than one environment
Prevalence in ADHD
ages 4 to 7 is __%
ages 10-13 is __%
ages 14 to 17 is __%
ADHD is ______ with other conditions
Increases in worldwide diagnosis for ADHD are worrisome for at least three reasons:
- Misdiagnosis
- Drug abuse
- Normal behavior is considered pathological
What are treatments for ADHD
- training for family and child
- special education for teachers
- medication
As_______ suggests, disorders vary in causes, so no single treatment works for every child
what are some opposing perspectives for drug treatment for ADHD and other disorders?
- some children may be overmedicated and others may be under-treated
-the public may be suspicious of drugs and psychologists
-prescription drug treatment prevalence varies by countries
What is prevalence?
Prevalence refers to the total number of individuals in a population who have a disease or health condition at a specific period of time, usually expressed as a percentage of the population.
what is the most common ADHD drug
potential to master a specific skill or to learn a certain body of knowledge
What are IQ tests?
tests that were designed to measure intellectual aptitude, or ability to learn in school
Intelligence was defined as ______ divided by ______ age, times 100-hence, the term “intelligence quotient” or IQ
Mental age
What is an Achievement Test?
measure of mastery or proficiency in reading, mathematics, writing, or some other subjects
What is the Flynn Effect?
The Flynn effect refers to a secular increase in population intelligence quotient (IQ) observed throughout the 20th century (1–4).
It is thought that if a person took an IQ test in the 19th Century, the average score would be significantly lower than it would be if that same person took an IQ test today.
IQ test Chart
40-55 IQ test scores is considered_______
55-70 IQ test scores is considered_______
70-85 IQ test scores is considered_______
85-115 IQ test scores is considered______
115-130 IQ test scores are considered______
130-145 IQ test scores are considered______
145-160 IQ test scores are considered_______
40-55 IQ test scores is considered moderate to severe disability
55-70 IQ test scores is considered mid intellectual disability
70-85 IQ test scores is considered slow learners
85-115 IQ test scores is considered average
115-130 IQ test scores are considered superior
130-145 IQ test scores are considered gifted
145-160 IQ test scores are considered Genius
Sternberg’s theory identifies three types of intelligence
practical, creative, and analytical.
Mental age
a representation of a person’s intelligence based on the age of people who are capable of performing at the same level of ability
Multiple intelligence
Gardner’s term for the distinct types of intelligence that characterize different forms of intelligent behavior
Linguistic intelligence is_____
the ability to understand and use words
Logical-mathematical intelligence is ______
the ability to perform mathematical, computational, or logical operations
musical intelligence is ______
the ability to analyze, compose, or perform music
spatial intelligence is______
the ability to perceive spatial relationships and arrange objects in space
body-kinesthetic is ______
the ability to control bodily movements and manipulate objects effectively
Interpersonal intelligence is_____
the ability to relate effectively to others and to understand others’ moods and motives
Intrapersonal intelligence is _____
the ability to understand one’s own feelings and behavior (self-perception)
naturalistic intelligence is_____
the ability to recognize objects and patterns in nature
What is one way to indicate aptitude to measure the brain directly?
Brain scans
Brain scans____________ with scores on IQ tests in childhood, but they do in adolescence
do not correlate
the range of differences in individual brain function and behavioral traits, regarded as part of normal variation in the human population (used especially in the context of autistic spectrum disorders)