EAR Flashcards
Inner Ear
The __________ is
dedicated to hearing, whereas the ______ and
_________ organs are dedicated to balance.
semicircular canals
hearing pathways
Hearing disorders of the external and middle ear cause
___________. External ear causes include
cerumen impaction, infection (__________), trauma,
squamous cell carcinoma, and benign bony growths
such as exostosis or osteoma.
Middle ear disorders
include _______, congenital conditions,
cholesteatomas, otosclerosis, __________,
tumors, and perforations of the tympanic membrane.
conductive hearing loss
otitis externa
otitis media
Hearing pathways
Disorders of the inner ear cause ____________ hearing
loss from congenital and hereditary conditions,
presbycusis, viral infections such as rubella or
cytomegalovirus, Ménière disease, noise exposure,
ototoxic drug exposure, and acoustic neuromas
sensorineural phase
hearing pathways
___________ (AC) describes the normal first phase in the
hearing pathway, where sound waves travel through the air
and are transmitted from the external and middle ear to the
An alternative pathway, known as _____________ (BC), bypasses the external and middle ear and is used for testing purposes.
air conduction
bone conduction
___________ is a perceived sound that has no external stimulus
—commonly, a musical ringing or a rushing or roaring noise
in one or both ears.
When associated with fluctuating hearing loss
and vertigo, suspect ________
meniere disease
___________ refers to drainage from the nose and is often
associated with nasal congestion, a sense of stuffiness or
obstruction. These symptoms are frequently accompanied
by sneezing; watery eyes; throat discomfort; and itching in
the eyes, nose, and throat.