E2 Great Vessel Development Flashcards
Development of the arterial system happens from _____ to _____
1st month
1st breath
Aortic Arches arise from the ____, terminate in the _____ appear in a ____ to ____ sequence and not all simultaneously.
Aortic sac
R and L dorsal aortae
1st Aortic Arch derivative:
Regress- maxillary a.
2nd Aortic Arch derivative:
Regress- stapedial and hyoid aa
3rd Aortic Arch derivative:
L/R common carotid, internal carotid, external carotid aa.
4th Aortic Arch derivative:
L- Part of aortic arch
R- Part of R subclavian a.
6th Aortic Arch derivative:
L- L pulmonary a. and ductus arteriosus
R- R pulmonary a.
7th segmental artery derivative:
L- L subclavian a
R- Part of R subclavian a
Dorsal Aorta derivative:
L- Descending thoracic aorta
R- Regress- part of R subclavian a
Aortic sac derivative:
L- Part of aortic arch
R- Brachiocephalic trunk
Most somatic arteries of trunk develop from ______ from dorsal aorta.
They specifically become Intercostal and Lumbar aa.
Intersegmental arteries
Initially are number of paired vessels supplying the yolk sac. Will fuse to form arteries in dorsal mesentery of the gut. Develop into Celiac artery/trunk and Superior Mesenteric a.
Vitelline a.
Initially are paired ventral branches off dorsal aorta; course to the placenta. Develop into Inferior Mesenteric a.
Umbilical Artery
The Umbilical artery develops into the _____, but it also forms a secondary connection with the dorsal aorta known as _____. After birth, proximal portions persist as ______. Distal parts are obliterated to form ______.
Inferior Mesenteric a.
Common Iliac a.
Internal Iliac and Superior Vesical aa.
Median Umbilical Ligaments
Intersegmental aa derivatives:
Intercostal aa
Lumbar aa
Vitelline aa derivatives:
Celiac Trunk
Superior Mesenteric a.
Coronary arteries are derived from ____. Connection to the aorta is formed by ingrowth of arterial endothelial cells. This is how the coronary aa invade the aorta.
The three pairs of major veins of the embryonic venous system are:
- Vitelline vv- drains GI tract and gut derivatives
- Umbilical vv- oxygenated blood from placenta to embryo
- Cardinal vv- draining head, neck, and body wall
As the vitelline vv pass through septum transversum, the liver cords growing into the septum interrupt the course and form ____. The network around the duodenum will form a single vessel known as ____.
Hepatic Sinusoids
Hepatic portal v
Reduction in the L sinus horn results in enlargement of R vitelline duct to form part of the ____.
The ____ is also derived from the R vitelline vein. R-L anastomoses remodeled to drain into the portal vein, this is the ____ vein and ____ vein.
Inferior Vena Cava
Superior Mesenteric v
Inferior Mesenteric
R umbilical v will regress and obliterate. L umbilical v will lose connection to sinus horn and form _____, which bypasses the sinusoidal plexus of the liver and drains directly into IVC
Ductus Venosus
Posterior Cardinal vv derivatives:
Common Iliac vv
Sacral Portion of IVC
Anterior Cardinal vv derivatives
Brachiocephalic vv
Supracardinal vv derivatives:
Intercostal vv
Hemiazygos v
Azygos v
Segment of IVC inferior to kidneys
Subcardinal vv derivatives:
Renal vv
Gonadal vv
Renal segment of IVC
Common Cardinal vv derivatives:
Superior Vena Cava (from R common cardinal)
6 primary lymph sacs include:
- Jugular (2)
- Iliac (2)
- Retroperitoneal (1)
- Cisterna Chyli (1)
Caudal R lymphatic duct plus anastomosis of L and R cranial thoracic ducts make up the ____
Thoracic Duct
Cranial portion of the right thoracic duct makes up the _____
Right Lymphatic Duct
The ____ cardinal vv drain the cephalic part of embryo. The ___ cardinal vv drain the rest of the embryo. The ____ cardinal vv are the joining of Anterior and Posterior cardinals and empty into ____.
Sinus horns