(E1) 6 - Meninges and Dural Sinuses Flashcards
Exam 1
Function of the Meninges
What are the potential spaces in the brain?
Epidural and subdural
(Not normally there but could be there when bleeding possibly)
What are the actual spaces in the brain?
What are the 3 layers of meninges?
Dura Mater
Arachnoid Mater
Pia Mater
What are the 2 layers that form the dura layer?
- Periosteal layer (tight to skull)
- Meningeal layer
The dural septum between the cerebral hemisphere is called the _________
falx cerebri/cerebrum
The dural septum between the cerebellar hemispheres is called the ____________
falx cerebelli
What is the dural septa?
Dural Septa: What does the diaphragm sellae do?
Covers sella turcica
Dural Septa: Where is the falx cerebrum?
Between hemispheres
The dural septum between the cerebrum and brainstem/cerebellum is called ____________
Tentorium cerebelli
What does the superior sagittal sinus run through?
Falx cerebri
What does the inferior sagittal sinus run through?
Falx cerebri
What is the straight sinus made up of?
Junction of falx cerebri and tentorium
What does the occipital sinus run through?
Falx cerebelli
What dural sinuses are in the confluence of sinuses? (3)
R & L drain from it (not a part)
What do the Right and Left transverse sinuses drain from?
Drain from the confluence
What dural sinuses drain the anterior of the face?
Before the Right transverse sinus drains into the internal jugular, it passes through the _________
Right sigmoid sinus
What is the blood supply to the anterior cranial fossa?
Middle meningeal provides the majority of blood supply.
What is the blood supply to the middle cranial fossa?
** Know middle meningeal
What is the blood supply to the posterior cranial fossa?
Vertebral are very big here
Sensory nerve supply to Anterior, Middle, and Posterior Cranial fossas
Describe the Arachnoid Layer
What is found in the subarachnoid space?
CSF and vessels
Function of Arachnoid Villi
Where do you find the Pia mater?
Tightly adheres to the brain tissue itself and follows the contours of the brain.
Image: Spinal Meninges
Where does the dura attach and extend?
Where is the arachnoid mater and what does it contain?
Where is the pia mater and what does it contain?
What two layers contribute to making the film terminal?
Dura (exterum)
Pia (interum)
What layer is responsible for making the denticulate ligaments?
Epidural hemorrhage is due to ________
Middle meningeal artery
Subdural hemorrhage is due to _______
Leaking dural venous sinus
Subarachnoid hemorrhage is due to __________
Cerebral artery or vein (aneurysm or trauma)
Stroke is due to _________
Middle Cerebral Artery
What 4 different things can lead to a hemorrhage?
Epidural bleed
Subdural Leak
Subarachnoid Bleed
Potential treatment for a hematoma
Treatment can be craniotomy and evacuation
Pressure created from a hematoma or a tumor can lead to ___________
What is a herniation in the brain?
Increasing Cranial Pressure
Examples of Herniation (list 3)
Image of Herniations
How bad is a herniation of the cerebellum into the foramen magnum?
Fatal - will not survive