Dynastic rebellions Flashcards
Causes of the Lovell rebellion
Lovell (supporter of Richard III) and the Stafford brothers were both pro-Yorkist and wanted to depose Henry VII
Key events of the Lovell rebellion
April 1486 - Lovell/Stafford began raising troops against the King in Yorkshire and Worcester
April 1486 - failed attempt to seize Henry VII in York
May 1486 - Stafford brothers fled to Abingdon Abbey and claimed sanctuary
May 1486 - Stafford brothers forcibly removed from the Abbey by Henry’s men
July 1486 - Humphrey Stafford executed
Why did the Lovell rebellion fail?
April 1486 - Lovell fled to Burgundy after losing faith in the plan
Lack of strong leadership
Consequences of the Lovell rebellion
Limited rights of sanctuary (no longer applicable in cases of treason)
Who did Lambert Simnel pretend to be?
Edward, Earl of Warwick
Who supported Simnel?
Earl of Lincoln (John de la Pole, probably wanted the throne for himself)
Elizabeth Woodville
Margaret of Burgundy
Irish Lords
Key events in the Simnel rebellion
May 1487 - M of Burgundy sends 2,000 mercenaries to Ireland, where Earl of Kildare crowns Simnel
June 1487 - Battle of Stoke - LINCOLN KILLED, SIMNEL CAPTURED
Simnel - positive assessment
Stoke ended the Wars of the Roses - Henry was decisive and brave
Woodvilles destroyed as a political force
Simnel humiliated (not martyred)
Simnel - negative assessment
Rebellion failed because people were tired of wars, not due to any strong support for Henry
Henry showed insecurity by offering to pardon rebels
Who did Perkin Warbeck pretend to be?
Richard of York (one of the Princes in the Tower)
Who supported Warbeck?
Sir William Stanley
M of Burgundy + Max
Kings of France, Scotland
Key events in the Warbeck rebellion?
1491 - landed in Ireland, not recognised by Kildare
1492 - Warbeck recognised as Richard IV in France (Etaples)
1493 - recognised in the Netherlands (trade embargo)
1494 - recognised by Max
1495 - recognised in Scotland, William Stanley revealed as traitor
1496 - failed invasion from Scotland
1497 - Truce of Ayton buys off James IV, Warbeck surrenders to Henry’s troops
1498 - escapes from prison, recaptured
1499 - Warbeck executed
Warbeck - positive assessment
Henry clearly stronger than in 1486-7, acts decisively
Has forged relations w/ France, Ireland and Scotland
Failed invasion by Warbeck shows support of Henry domestically
Warbeck - negative assessment
Cost over £13,000
54 men attainted for implication in plot - measure of Henry’s fear
When was Simnel crowned as King Edward VI in Dublin?
24th May 1487
When was the Battle of Stoke?
16th June 1487
Details of the Battle of Stoke?
Henry had 12,000 men, led by the Earl of Oxford
John de la Pole had 8,000 men, 4,000 of which died in battle (as did de la Pole himself)
Who was ‘the White Rose’?
Edmund de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk
How did Henry deal with the threat of Edmund de la Pole?
Henry imposed 51 attainders of Suffolk’s relations when he fled to Calais in 1499
Henry agrees to pay Philip the Fair £158,000 in return for de la Pole being handed over