Dynamic Processing Flashcards
automatic gain control; sets the amplification of the carrier frequency to an appropriate value, can “lock onto” the input signal such that gradual changes in input amplitude will have minimal effect on the output; however, cannot instantaneously adapt to rapid changes; extremely fast response time is not desirable because this would make the AGC circuit overly sensitive to noise or to intentional variations in the amplitude of the input signal (i.e., amplitude modulation)
Attack time
refers to how quickly a signal is attenuated by a desired ratio by 60 percent in a dynamics processor
reduction in the level of an audio signal
Breathing (pumping)
continuous dynamic movement of a signal due to a dynamics processor; compressor engaging and releasing causes a fluid push and pull
Brickwall limiter
type of downward compressor which is set to a very high ratio(often infinity: 1 or 100:1), and does not allow any signal to pass above a given threshold; often used to prevent digital distortion or overages
threshold of a limiter; highest point which a signal can pass through, it defines the maximum level (in dB) that the limiter will allow the signal to output
Center image shifting
process of adding phase de-correlated signal into a stereo signal which causes a mono signal to be shifted to sounding more “stereo” or “wider”
the process of compressing an audio signal prior to transmission and expanding it after reception; a contraction of the words compressor and expander, which describe contrary dynamics processors; compressor is employed to reduce the dynamic range of a signal, while an expander increases the dynamic range
in a wireless microphone system, compression takes place in the transmitter, while expansion occurs in the receiver; both the compression and expansion are performed by a voltage-controlled-amplifier (VCA)
the act of dynamically controlling a signal by increasing or decreasing the signal above or below a given threshold; main goal is to make a signal more dynamically consistent
a type of dynamics processor that increases or decreases the amplitude of a signal above or below a given threshold
Downward compressor
compressor which attenuates a signal above a set threshold
DC voltage
DC electrical signal used to manipulate the values of components in analog circuits; in a mixer and other audio circuits that use a voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA), a DC voltage can be used to set the gain of the VCA
applicable for things like compressors and gates, where the DC voltage may either be a signal proportional to the audio level the devices are acting upon, or could be from some other source
digitally-controlled amplifier; variable-gain amplifier that is digitally controlled through binary numbers; uses a stepped approach giving the circuit graduated increments of gain selection
type of dynamic EQ which is meant to attenuate high-frequencies (above 1K)
part of a dynamics processor that identifies whether a signal is above or below a set threshold and sends signal to a gain unit; senses the current audio level and sends control signals to a gain cell to tell it when and how it needs to act on the signal
Detection path
section of a signal chain in a dynamics processor that sends signal to the detector and out to the gain unit
Downward expansion
type of dynamics processing where signal below a set threshold is attenuated to by a given ratio
type of downward compression which attenuates a signal but the compressor is side-chained to an alternate signal; ex. bass being dynamically attenuated to the signal of a kick drum
broad term referring to the amplitude range of a waveform
Dynamic range
the range between the highest and lowest amplitude signals of a waveform
gain reduction is achieved through the use of special light dependent resistors optically coupled to an electro-luminescent panel; another method uses LEDs to illuminate the photo-resistor; produces a particularly smooth and natural sounding gain reduction (LA-2A)
refers to the dynamic ADSR of a signal, or compressor; in a compressor the attack and release functions determine the envelope of a signal
Envelope follower
device used in musical electronic environments that detects the amplitude variation over time in an incoming signal and produces a control signal that resembles it; usually offers the possibility to modify the attack and the release stages of the input signal
type of dynamics processor where signal above or below a set threshold is attenuated or increased by a given ratio, but its main goal is to increase the dynamic range of a signal
gradual decrease or increase of the level of an audio signal
gradual increase in level of an audio signal
gradual decrease in level of an audio signal
a device for gradually increasing or decreasing the level of an audio signal