Dynamic Posture Flashcards
Body is balanced when COM is ___
within the base of support
COM is located at ___
navel (when standing)
Changes with positioning (Height)
Center of pressure
where force is being applied to surface of the plate.
driving variable to affect COM
Changes in sway is due to trying to maintain COM
Gives impression of what COM is doing
Closer COM to the Center of base of support =
more stability! The higher the COM the more risk of falls
What systems are involved in dynamic postural control?
- Vision
- Somatosensory
- Vestibular
Peripheral vision goes down with age.
Order of Strategy Use - Postural Control
- Ankle
- Hip
- Step
As we age the ankle strategy is ____
reduced significantly
What do older adults rely on for postural control?
Being pushed from behind, what muscles activate and what order?
Gastroc, hamstring, paraspinal (distal to proximal)
Being pushed from front, what muscles turn on and what order?
Tibialis anterior, quadriceps, and abdominals (distal to proximal)
Same side of push
Hip pertibations react by activating the muscles on the ___
opposite side toward which COM is shifted or pertubed
Push from behind
activity of quads and abdominals
Opposite side of push
Push from front
Ham and paraspinals
Opp side of push
minmizing somatosensroy and vision input makes us rely on
minimizing sotatosensroy input makes us rely on…
vision and vestibular
eliminate vision makes us rely on
somatosensory and vestibular
Elderly and children rely on ___ & __ information more for postural control due to ___
COM being higher
Eldery people tend to need what? (5)
Proper lighting
Contrasts in color
Even walking grounds
Proper footwear
Children rely on what two systems?
Vision and somatosensory
- Learning how to put things together
Sway more than average adults