Duolingo 7 : obiecte noi, pronume reflexive (22,23) Flashcards
Care este religia lor?
What is their religion?
El nu vorbește despre religie.
He doesn’t talk about religion.
Laptele are multe beneficii.
Milk has many benefits.
Fructul are multe beneficii.
The fruit has many benefits.
Vă mulțumim pentru eforturile dvs.
Thanks for your efforts.
Care sunt beneficiile acestui sistem?
What are the benefits of this system?
Care este titlul cartii?
What is the title of the book?
What is the book’s title?
Nu văd titlul fără ochelari.
I do not see the title without glasses.
Este important ca eu sa retin/ să-mi amintesc titlul.
It is important that I remember the title.
Situația este mai gravă decât am crezut noi.
The situation is worse than we thought.
Ea are mare respect pentru profesorul ei.
She has great respect for her teacher.
Eu i-am dat lui permisiunea* de a face ceea ce vrea el.
(present perfect tense)
I have given him permission to do what he wants to do.
consent, allowance, authorization
(the permit-permisul)
Incarcatura/sarcina* este mică*.
The load is small.
(loadings, charge, freight, shipment)
when describing an amount, we use “little.” But when describing the size of someone or something, we use “small.”
El spune* mereu adevărul.
He always tells the truth.
El a vrut permisiunea* mea să folosesca telefonul.
He wanted my permission to use the phone.
(consent, allowance, authorization)
interests, benefits(avantaje)
Care sunt interesele dumneavoastră?
What are your interests?
El obișnuia să câștige competițiile.
He used to win the competitions.
Se pare* că cineva locuiește aici.
Looks like someone lives here.
Looks / It looks
Sounds /It sounds
It seems
Este în interesul* nostru?
Is it in our interest?
Is it in our best interest/benefit?
Trebuie să facem două încărcări*.
We have/need to do two loads.
(loadings, charges, freights, shipments)
(încărcări, taxă, transport)
Ea îi spune lui un secret.
She tells him a secret.
care este originea limbii spaniole?
what is the origin of Spanish?
Esec, ratarea
The characters
(personages, persons)
daune, prejudicii, pagube
injuries, damages, defects
(vatamari, prejudicii, defecte)
Daunele au fost scumpe.
The damages were expensive.
(daune, prejudicii, pagube)
What a character*.
Ce personaj.
(personage, person)
Nu a fost nicio dauna.
There was no damage.
(daune, prejudicii, pagube)
Use “ there was” if the subject is singular, and “ there were” if the subject is plural.
Este un om de caracter.
He is a man of character.
the aim
the target, aim, objective, purpose, goal, scope, intention, meaning, point
Soldatul are țintă* bună.
The soldier has good aim.
the target, objective, purpose, goal, scope
scena, locul
the scene
Aceasta este o scenă familiară.
This is a familiar scene.
incercarea *
attempt, try, trying, trial
trial - proces
El a facut o încercare* să-i fie prietenul lui.
He made an attempt to be his friend.
try, trying, trial
the behaviour, behavior
—–»>attitude, manners
Eu sunt responsabil pentru comportamentul* tău.
I am responsible for your behavior.
——–»» attitude, manners, behaviour, behavior
directia *4
the direction
way, trend, course
the signature
Pentru ce este semnătura?
What is the signature for?
lipsa *
the lack
(absence, shortage-deficit)
- era o lipsă de hrană** în Europa
- a existat o penurie de alimente în Europa
there was a lack/shortage/absence of food in Europe
there was a food shortage in Europe
( shortage-deficit)
A fost o lipsa* de inscrieri * din Europa
there was a lack of entries from Europe
shortage, missing
(lack, absence, shortage-deficit, penurie)
entries-inscrieri, intrari
A fost o mare* lipsă de orez în acel an.
There was a great lack of rice that year.
There was a big (rice shortage) (shortage of rice) that year.
(absence, shortage-penurie, deficit)
iesirea*, usa
(out, way out)
Ieșirea* este la* dreapta.
The exit is to the right.
(out, way out)
Unde este ieșirea*?
Where is the exit?
(out, way out)
the circle
acesta este cercul vieții
this is the circle of life
puterea, taria, forta
the strength
—-»»> power, force
Acela nu este punctul meu forte *
That is not my strength.
—-»»> power, force
the instance
(the exemple, instance, sample, model, pattern)
the experience
Este tânăr, dar are experiență.
He is young but has experience.
Acele pozitii nu există.
Those positions do not exist.
Au fost două exemple ca acesta.
(present perfect)
There have been two instances like this one.
be, was, been
(the exemple, instance, sample, model, pattern)
Culorile și simbolurile sunt importante.
The colors and symbols are important.
the hate
Mi-e teama de ură.
I am afraid of hate.
the fear
Nu este bine să ai ură
It is not good to have hate
the shape
form, format
aspect, appearance, look, design
model, sample, pattern
the humor
the humour
- Tu nu ai umor.
(2 feluri)
- Tu nu ai simtul umorului.
1.You have no humor.
You don’t have humor.
2.You don’t have a sense of humor.
the permit
(licence, pass)
Cine are nevoie de permis?
Who needs a permit?
(licence, pass)
relatia *
the relation
(relationship, link, connection)
(relație, legătură, conexiune)
îndoieli, dubii *
(questions, hesitations)
Ea are unele/ câteva îndoieli*
She has some doubts.
(questions, hesitations)
Relațiile* dintre cele două țări sunt proaste.
The relations between the two countries are bad.
(relationship, link, connection)
(relație, legătură, conexiune)
daune, prejudicii, pagube
the desire
wish, hope, willingness
(dorință, speranță, voință)
Dorința* mea este să vă ajut cu această problemă.
My desire is to help you with this problem.
wish, hope, willingness
(dorință, speranță, voință)
Noi stim doar de existența ei.
We only know of her existence.
Există multe posibilități.
There are many possibilities.
Dar ei nu au posibilități de a câștiga
But they have no possibilities to win.
Mai multă muncă, mai multe responsabilități.
More work more responsibilities.
The word ‘much’ refers to a large amount or plenty of something.
The word ‘more’ is the comparative degree of much/many.
Consecințele* sunt simple.
The consequences are simple.
(implications, conclusions, outcomes, results, repercussions, impacts)
vina, defect
the fault - greseala, vina, defect
(mistake, fault, defect)
error, blunder-gafa
Este vina* mea.
It is my fault.
the trend (trendul)
tendency, inclination
the phrase
lines, sentences, sayings, quotes
(replici, propoziții, ziceri, citate)
Ce surpriză pentru ea!
What a surprise for her!
the tradition
Tradiția este să mănânci pește vineri
The tradition is to eat fish on Friday
the conversation
(can var seisan)
favour, favor
Vreau să-ți cer o favoare.
I want to ask you a favor.
Toată lumea este în favoarea* ideii tale.
Everyone is in favor of your idea.
El vrea să ne ceară o mare favoare.
He wants to ask us a big favor.
Eu am scris două fraze*.
I wrote two phrases.
sentences, clauses
lines, sentences, sayings, quotes
(replici, propoziții, ziceri, citate)
the Joy
Ea este bucuria* întregii* familii.
She’s the joy of the whole family.
the Honor
Ei Nu au scris despre crimă*
They did not write about the murder.
the danger
Acum ea este în pericol.
Now she’s in danger.
the attitude
Ea nu face greșeli*.
She does not make mistakes.
She makes no mistakes.
errors, blunders, faults, compromises, missteps, slips-ups
(erori, gafe, defecte, greșeli, compromisuri, pași greșiți, scăpări)
Băiatul se uită la ea și zâmbește.
The boy looks at her and smiles.
Acestea sunt bucuriile vârstei.
These are the joys of age.
of the age
Aceasta este umbra ta.
This is your shadow.
the entrance
entry, admission
Intrarea* este complet liberă.
The entrance is completely free.
entry, admission
Este intrarea* principală a bibliotecii.
It is the main entrance of the library.
It is the library’s main entry.
entry, doorway, access
Ea are multe amintiri*
She has many memories.
reminders, reminiscences, remembrances
Multumesc pentru amintiri*.
Thanks for the memories.
reminders, reminiscences, remembrances
Te văd de la intrare*
I see you from the entrance.
entry, doorway, front door
bogat *
wealthy, abundant, lush
(bogat, abundent, luxuriant)
atentat*, încercare
try, trying, trial
Dar asta nu este de interes aici
But that is of no interest here.
Secret Santa la munca este astăzi.
Santa secret at work is today.
Am o dorință* de a merge în Anglia
I have a desire to go to England
wish, hope, willingness
(dorință, speranță, voință)
El are un simbol important pe cămașa lui.
He has an important symbol on his shirt.
the permission
——-> the permit, consent, allowance, authorization
Ultima lui încercare* este cu adevarat interesantă.
His last attempt is really interesting.
try, trial, trying
Eu am permisul* meu din octombrie
(present perfect)
I (have had) /(have) my permit since October
(licence, pass)
We use for + a period of time: We’ve been waiting for two hours. Sally has been working here for six months. (not since six months) I haven’t seen Tom for three days. We use since + the start of a period: We’ve been waiting since 8 o’clock.
Fiecare persoană are propria sa realitate.
Each person has their own reality.
(each - individual in a group)
everyone, every person
Each person has his/her own reality.
Each is a way of seeing the members of a group as individuals, while every is a way of seeing a group as a series of members
Ea a avut o conversație cu acea femeie in varsta*
She had a conversation with that old woman.
Vreau să plec în străinătate *, de exemplu *, în Italia și Spania
I want to go abroad for instance to Italy and Spain
—» overseas, away
(peste mări, departe) ;
—-»for example
Încărcătura* de haine este în cutie.
The load of clothes is in the box.
(loadings, charge, freight, shipment)
(încărcări, taxe, transport, expediere)
El nu acordă* niciodată atenție.
He never pays attention.
Există putere* în cifre.
Unde sunt multi puterea creste
There is strength in numbers.
—-»»> power, force
Au fost două exemple* ca acesta.
(present perfect)
There have been two examples like this.
instances, models, patterns, samples
El a făcut doar o încercare*
he only made one attempt.
try, trial, trying
Eu am nevoie de semnătura tatălui tău.
I need your dad’s signature.
din ce direcție?
from which direction?
Care sunt consecințele*? 7
What are the consequences?
(implications, conclusions, outcomes, results, repercussions, impacts)