Duolingo 6 Flashcards
Petrecerile nu sunt maine.
The parties are not tomorrow.
Noi ne jucăm și tu te joci.
We play and you play.
Ei ne văd.
They see us.
elefanții se plimba
the elephants walk
Ea gateste.
She cooks.
Imi plimb cainele.
I walk my dog.
fata se plimba
the girl walks
Ea gătește, el mănâncă.
She cooks he eats.
pentru aproape și pentru departe: asta, aceia, aia, aceia
aceasta, acestea, acestea, acelea
for near and for far:this, these, that, those
pentru cine?
To whom?
to him
Pe cine cunosti?
Whom do you know?
raspuns:i know him
Who totusi se foloseste in lumea eeala, dar e gresit
Cine știe de ce?
Who knows why?
I know why
Cu cine ma joc?
Cu cine joc eu?
With whom do I play?
Whom do I play with?
with him - raspuns corect
Who am I playing with?
Who do I play with?
Ce câine mare.
What a big dog.
ceea ce citești contează
what you read matters
Noi Știm a cui este.
We know whose it is.
Ea are o fiică al carei nume este Mary
are o fiică pe care o cheamă Mary
she has a daughter whose name is Mary
she has a daughter named Mary
who-whose (posesie)
Știu al cui fiu ești.
I know whose son you are.
Nimeni nu știe unde este.
(dp un obiect)
Nobody knows where it is.
Te rog sa afli unde este.
(dp obiect)
Please found out where it is.
Cu cine ești?
Whom are you with?
With whom are you?
am am with him.
Who are you with? - in vb naturala
Cunosc o persoană al cărei tată este avocat.
I know a person whose father is a lawyer.
Cine știe unde l-au pus?
au pus-o ei
(dp obiect)
Who knows where they put it?
Noi stim a cui este lucrarea/opera/ munca.
We know whose work it is.
We know whose work is
Job, chore
Spune-mi ce câine vrei.
Tell me which dog you want.
which-posibilitati putine
Spune-mi ce piesă vrei.
Tell me which piece you want.
which-putine posibilitati
Nu am cărțile despre care vorbesc ei
I don’t have the books of which they speak.
I don’t have the books they’re talking about
they talk about
Acestea sunt orașele* din care suntem noi.
These are the cities from which we are.
These are the cities we are from.
: If you can replace the word with he or she, use who. If you can replace it with him or her, use whom.
whom este mai formal, pe cale de disparitie
How would you answer the question whom/who did you see?
I saw him/her/them. So use whom did you see?
How would you answer the question whom/who saw the accident?
He/she/they saw the accident. So use who saw the accident?
whose and who
Whose este forma de pronume posesiv a lui who . Este folosit pentru — ai ghicit — pentru a arăta posesia. Așa că l-ați folosi atunci când indicați cui îi aparține ceva.
Use “what” when there are lots of possible options or when you don’t know how many options there are. These are a few examples of using “what” in this way:
What color shirt will you wear tomorrow?
What is your favorite kind of ice cream?
I didn’t hear what you said.
What makes someone a good friend?
What did you do at school today?
Do you know what time it is?
“which” indicates there are fewer possible options. You already know that the answer is one of two things or one of a few things. Knowing how to use “which” in a question means thinking about how much you already know. Using it indicates you have some background information, as you can see in these example sentences:
Which pair of shoes did you decide to wear with your prom dress?
Which of your children is starting school this year?
I don’t know which fork is for my salad.
El merge unde merg eu.
He goes where I go.
Nu stiu de unde vine.
I don’t know where it comes from.
Cine știe unde l-au pus?
Who knows where they put it?
copilul care nu este nascut
copilul care nu s-a născut
the child who is not born
the unborn child
the child who was not born
băiatul care scrie o scrisoare
the boy who writes a letter
the boy writing* a letter
Eu vreau ce vrei tu.
I want what you want.
Nu stiu ce sa cer.
I don’t know what to ask for.
to ask.
Sora mea mi-a luat câinele, care nu mi-a plăcut deloc.
My sister has taken my dog, which I didn’t like at all.
My sister took (got) my dog, which I didn’t like at all.
thin, skinny
El nu este ceea ce pare.
He is not what he seems.
He is not what he appears to be.
Ceea ce mi-au spus ei nu este adevărat.
What they told me is not true.
priceput, capabil
ea merge la o prelegere la institut
she goes to a lecture at the institute
she’s going to a lecture at the institute
Tatăl meu este unul dintre membri.
My father is one of the members.
Prima mea zi la facultate.
My first day at college/university
Noi suntem într-o mare
We are in serious difficulty.
Noi avem notitele de la prelegere.
We have the notes from the lecture.
Își explică fapta*
He explains his act/action/deed
Ambii lucrează la bibliotecă.
Both work at the library.
Există o bibliotecă în orașul nostru.
There’s a library in our city.
grupul nostru ia prânzul cu copiii
our group eats/has lunch with the children/kids
our group is having lunch with the children
Sunt șase membri în acel grup.
There are six members in that group.
Ea nu-l ascultă pe el.
She doesn’t listen to him.
Îmi place să fac mișcare.
I like to exercise.
Nu vreau să te ascult.
I don’t want to listen to you.
Avem nevoie ca tu să dai jos cămașa.
We need you to take off the shirt.
We need you to take your shirt off.
Cum pot să ajung la aeroport?
How do I get to the airport?
El nu-și arată vârsta.
He doesn’t show his age.
Eu sper să obțin un loc de muncă.
I hope to get a job.
Ei nu fac exercitii fizice.
Ei nu se antreneaza
They do not exercise.
They don’t train
Acest hotel nu acceptă câini.
This hotel doesn’t take dogs.
This hotel does not accept dogs.
O femeie îi citește băiatului
A woman reads to the boy
Platesc eu
It is on me.
I pay
I’m paying
Tu citesti în timp ce eu scriu.
asa cum
You read as I write.
cu excepția vinului
except for the wine
Sunt pentru.
I am for it.
in timpul
Nu langa mine
Not by me.
(near, beside)
dormi inauntru
sleep in
Ne scoatem paltoanele.
We take off our coats.
We take our coats off.
El le citește femeilor o carte
he reads a book to the women
Merge mai departe.
It goes on.
Despre ce rochie ai o intrebare?
Which dress do you have a question about?
Which dress you have a question about?
What/which dress do you have a question about?
Ea fuge de mine.
She runs from me/away from me
She’s running away from me.
de unde sunt ei?
where are they from?
Unde sunt ei?
Where are they at?
Where are they?
Nu, nu-l am cu mine.
No, I don’t have it with me.
Mănânc fructe cu excepția merelor.
I eat fruit except for apples.
Le scriem bărbaților
We write to the men
Cu care copii esti tu?
With which children are you?
Which kids are you with?
autobuzul pleacă la fiecare 15 minute
the bus leaves every 15 minutes
Ea lasa haina* acasa.
She leaves the coat/jacket at home.
omul livrează mâncarea
the man delivers the food
A sosit timpul să închid.
The time has arrived to close.
It’s closing time.
It’s time to close up/hang up
El incape în mașină.
He fits in the car.
fits (incape, potriveste)
rochia se potriveste
the dress fits
El conteaza* pe prietenii lui.
He counts/relies on his friends.
Cred că momentul meu a sosit.
I think/I guess my moment/my time has arrived/come.
fiecare copil conteaza
every child counts
El seamănă cu fratele tău.
arata ca
He looks like your brother.
He looks just like your brother.
Mașina care era pe stradă era roșie.
The car that was on the street was red.
Ea primește un apel de la el în fiecare zi.
She receives/gets a call from him every day.
She gets a phone call from him every day.
Nu au gătit niciodată.
They have never cooked.
El si-a pus numele în partea de sus.
He put his name at/on the top.
Noi auziseram asta.
We had heard that.
M-am dus pentru că auzisem de ea cu săptămâna anterioara
I went because I had heard about her the week before.
El tocmai mâncase.
He had just eaten.
Eu nu mai mâncasem de marți
I had not eaten since Tuesday
Eu nu mai mancasem de zile intregi
de mai multe zile
I had not eaten in days.
El nu mersese niciodată.
He had never walked.
Eu mersesem la tine acasă în fiecare zi.
I had walked to your house every day.
Eu găsisem o lingură.
I had found a spoon.
Oamenii găsiseră o problemă împreună.
The people had found a problem together.
Noi iti daduseram dragostea.
We had given you love.
Fetele se plimbaseră prin parc.
The girls had walked around the park.
The girls were walking in the park.
around-in jurul
Profesorul îmi dăduse mie răspunsul.
The teacher had given me the answer.
Eu aflasem despre asta din ziar.
I had found out about it from the newspaper.
băiatul venise de la școală
the boy had come from school
Eu venisem să vorbesc cu tine, dar tu nu erai acolo.
?? I had come to talk to you, but you are not there.
I came to talk to you, but you weren’t there.
Venisem de la plajă în acea duminică
I had come from The Beach that Sunday
Eu iti dadusem o motocicletă.
We had given you a motorcycle.
sistemul dă o rezoluție finală dacă clienții au rămas să plătească sau nu
the system gives a final resolution whether customers remained to pay or not
Eu te sunasem
I had called you.
Eu il sunasem pe tatăl lui.
I had called his father.
Au sunat in prealabil.
Au sunat inainte
They had called in advance/ahead.
They had called previously/earlier/before.
Noi tăiaseram pâinea.
We had cut the bread.
Tu tăiasei brânza.
You had cut the cheese.
ea condusese castelul
she had led the castle
Ei condusesera țara.
They had led the country.
Tu imi luasesi locul meu.
You had taken my place.
Mama îl luase pe el departe/de acolo.
The mother had taken him away.
from there
Ea scrisese o scrisoare.
She had written a letter.
Ea scrisese toată noaptea.
She had written all night.
Ei iși pierduseră cheile.
They had lost their keys.
El nu-și pierduse niciodată cheia.
He had never lost his key.
Eu stabilisem un nou record.
I had established a new record.
We set a new record.
a stabili
a infiinta
Tu stii cum stabilisera ei asta?
Do you know how they had established it?
Am găsit toate scrisorile pe care el le scrisese mamei mele.
I found every letter that he had written to my mother.
El plecase acasă.
He had gone home.
după ce el plecase, lucrurile au mers din rau in mai rau
(din ce in ce mai rau)
after he had gone, things went from bad to worse
after he left
(worse and worse)
Eu hotărâsem să înot.
I had decided to swim.
Cine hotărâse să o ia pe acest drum?
Who had decided to take this road?