Duolingo 1 Flashcards
Eu cumpăr mâncare de la supermarket
I buy food from the supermarket
De unde cumperi tu mancare?
2 feluri
Where do you buy food?
Where do you buy food from?
vreau sa cumpar un inel si cercei.
I want to buy a ring and earrings
O aud pe cântăreață cântând
I hear the singer sing
Eu ating matasea
I touch the silk
Ea deseneaza nasul
She is drawing the nose
she draws the nose
Eu gasesc temele pentru acasă ca fiind stimulative*.
I find homework to be stimulating.
(challenging, motivating, incentive-stimulent)
The noun homework can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be homework. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be homeworks e.g. in reference to various types of homeworks or a collection of homeworks.
O femeie talentata locuieste alaturi.
A talented woman lives next door.
Vecinii nostri sunt oameni politicosi.
Our neighbours are polite people.
Copii lor sunt bine crescuti (2)
Their children are well behaved
Their children are well raised.
banca in parc
bench in the park
Ne place sa ascultam muzica
We like to listen to music
Copiii lor sunt bine crescuti. *
Their children are well-behaved/brought up - adus în discuție
Their children are well-raised.
Noi discutam cu prietenii nostrii.
We chat with our friends.
talk - informal
bomboane *3
sweets, candies, goodies
A unsprezecea luna din an este noiembrie
The eleventh month of the year is november.
Aceasta este casa prietenilor mei.
2 feluri
This is my friends’ house.
this is the house of my friends
Aceasta este masina prietenului meu.
This is my friend’s car.
a se certa
to argue
ea se cearta cu el
she argues with him
!!! e bine with
Noi zambim la straini
We smile at strangers
a discuta
to chat
to discuss, talk, speak
teren de joaca
Imi puteti chema un taxi, va rog?
Can you call me a taxi, please?
El este invitat la aceasta petrecere.
He is invited to this party.
Eu imi voi sarbatori ziua de nastere.
I will celebrate my birthday.
Noi nu-i cerem ei scuze.
We don’t apologise to her.
asistenta medicala
El piloteaza un avion
He flies a plane/airplane
he’s flying a plane
he’s flying an airplane
He’s piloting an airplane.
Eu gatesc supa in oala.
I am cooking the soup in the pot.
Stiti vreun restaurant bun?
Do you know any good restaurants?
Imi folosesc computerul zilnic
I use my computer every day
un spital
an hospital
De unde va cumparati hainele voastre?
Where do you buy your clothes?
Unde este un magazin de imbracaminte pentru barbati?
Where is a men’s clothing store?
clothing store for men
store with clothing for men
Puteti spala aceasta camasa?
Can you wash this shirt?
Trebuie sa-mi fac valiza
I need to pack my suitcase (sut cheis)
El ajunge * cu avionul*
He arrives by airplane/plane.
flies, gets, comes
Noi ajungem cu taxiul.
We arrive by taxi.
Eu calatoresc cu barca.
I travel by boat.
airplane, plane
animal de companie
Eu mananc un sandwich
Present continuous
I am eating a sandwich
Eu mananc un sandwich cu branza*
I am eating a sandwich with cheese
I’m eating a cheese sandwich
Vreau sa cumpar o prajitura*
I want to buy a cake/cookie
yoghurt, yogurt
As dori niste desert
I would like some dessert
Construiesti case?
Do you build houses?
- semineu
- cos de fum
- fireplace
- chimney (cimni) - coș de fum
Ea sta acolo in vacante.
She stays there on holidays
Holiday refers to a short period of time that one spends doing leisure activities. Vacation refers to a long period of time that one takes off from school or work to enjoy as a period of leisure and various other enjoyable activities.
Americans go “on vacation” or “vacay”, while Brits, Canadians and Australians go “on holiday” or “hols”.
apelul (de telefon)
the call
Tu ai un apel
You have a call
Noi aveam lucrurile sub control
We had things under control
Cetateanul nu este un membru.
The citizen is not a member
De ce vor ei acele schimbari?
Why do they want those changes?
2 pronuntii diferite
content - continut
Aceasta este descrierea lui
This is his description
este doar un act/actiune
prefacatorie???nu cred
It is just an act
Acela a fost un act de dragoste
That was an act of love
La școală se predau următoarele materii/discipline: română, matematică, engleză.
The following subjects/disciplines are taught at school:Romanian, mathematics, English.
Cate categorii?
How many categories?
sunt cinci categorii
there are five categories
Noi scoatem echipamentul afara*.
We take the equipment out.
out, outdoor
Folosești propriul tău echipament?
Do you use your own equipment?
Mama mea a gătit așa.
My mother cooked like that.
My mother cooked it like this.
this way, just like this
Ei vorbesc despre o altă* categorie.
They talk about a different/another category.
Care este problema*?
What is the issue/problem?
Nu asta este problema*
That is not the issue.
That’s not the problem.
Problema* este interesantă.
The issue is interesting.
Este partea din față.
It is the front side.
It’s the front.
It’s the front part.
Ce alte variante* mai am eu?
What other options do I have?
Sunt multe* activități la târg.
There are many activities at the fair. lots of activities
There’s a lot of activity at the fair.
Ea era alături de el* ori de câte ori avea probleme*
She was at his side/by his side/there for him
whenever he had problems/ he was in trouble.
El a ascultat ambele părți*
He listened to both sides/parties
He heard both perspectives.
- He paid attention to both viewpoints.
- He took into account both opinions.
A closet is a small, enclosed space used for storage, typically found in a bedroom or hallway. It is often used for hanging clothes, storing shoes, and keeping other personal items.
A wardrobe refers to a large, freestanding piece of furniture used for storing clothes. It usually consists of a combination of drawers, shelves, and hanging space. In some regions, “wardrobe” may also refer to a collection of clothing.
virează la stânga
turn left
este rândul tău
it is your turn
muzeul este în construcție
the museum is under construction
- Nu a existat niciun răspuns* la întrebarea mea.
- Nu am primit niciun răspuns la întrebarea mea.
1.There was no response/answer to my question. (nu a existat)
response (rispaans)
A) I did not receive an answer (past simple)
I have not received any answer
I have received no answer (present perfect)
how to handle handovers with narcissist
cum să te descurci cu predarea cu narcisistul
inmanarea, predarea
The handover of something is when possession or control of it is given by one person or group of people to another.
The handover is expected to be completed in the next ten years
Speranța este mică
Hope is little/ small
ai destule înregistrări*?
Do you have enough entries?
you have enough records?
you got enough records?
eu sper ca el să mi dea altă oportunitate (sansa)
I hope he gives me another opportunity/chance
Dacă ea îți mai oferă o șansă, cu siguranță crede în tine.
If she gives you one more opportunity, she definitely believes in you.
another chance
sindicatul crede că toată lumea are aceleași drepturi
the union believes that everybody has the same rights
everyone-se foloseste in formal speaking, writing
everybody-zi de zi (formal)
everybody este egal everyone
Ce efect are*?
What effect does it make? have
What does it do?
What is the effect?
primăvara are acest efect asupra mea
spring has this effect on me
doar o singură înregistrare* de persoană
only one registration/record/entry per person
Eu văd intrarea*
I see the entrance.
entry /front door/front entrance/doorway
the degree
diploma, certificate
———»»»» a degree in mathematics
an academic rank conferred by a college or university after examination or after completion of a course of study, or conferred as an honor on a distinguished person.
ai o diplomă*?
do you have a degree
diploma, certificate
chestiunea, problema, aspectul
the matter
Este o chestiune de timp
It is a matter of time
Nu am nimic* de-a face cu această chestiune
2 variante
I have nothing to do with this matter
I don’t have anything
care este scopul* slujbei tale?
a vizitei tale
what is the purpose of your job?
of your visit
the target, aim, objective, purpose, goal, scope, intention, meaning, point
Aceasta este o dovadă*.
This is evidence.
proof (priuf)
el a jucat un important rol în cadrul Comitetului
he played an important role on the Committee
am rolul perfect pentru tine
I have the perfect role for you
a fost* o alegere între două motoare*
a doua motoar
it was a choice between two engines
there was
poliția* are dovada*
the police have the evidence/proof
the police have proof/evidence
the police officers, cops
sunt* numai patru grade
It is only four degrees
there are only
Nota* (la scoala)
the grade
eu sunt în clasa a IV a
I am in the fourth grade
Eu sunt responsabil de *
Eu conduc
I am in charge of
I am responsible for
Eu sunt responsabil pentru secțiunea de carte.
Eu conduc sectorul de carti.
I am in charge of the book section/department.
I am responsible for the book section.
I manage the books section of the bookstore
I run the cosmetics department in the hypermarket
(at, of)
(eu conduc raionul de cosmetice din cadrul hipermarketului)
El este cel responsabil* pentru bere
He is the one in charge of/responsible for the beer
el a câștigat patru premii*
he won four awards
win, won, won
toate acele romane au câștigat premii*
all those novels won/have won awards
eu vreau să iau o pauză*
i want to take a rest/break
intermission, pause
Take a rest means stop what you are doing and do very little - put your feet up, have a nap, relax in a comfy chair.
When you take a break you stop what you are doing and do something different.
Rest is to cease from action, motion, work, or performance of any kind, whereas take a break is to have a short rest period in one’s work or studies,
tu vrei restul sandvişului meu?
do you want the rest of my sandwich?
Introducerea o explică.
The introduction explains it.
După această introducere, există trei părți principale în carte.
After this introduction, there are three main parts in the book.
grade. - english
nota, clasa, grad
când ţi-ai aflat notele*?
when did you find out your grades?
Ziua de Anul Nou
New Year’s Day
gift, present
Vreau o noua freza (infatisare)
I want a new look
frații beau ceai
the siblings drink tea
A sibling is your brother or sister. It’s that simple. The word sibling once meant anyone who is related to you, but now it’s reserved for children of the same parent or parents
Sunt fiica parintilor mei.
I am my parents’ daughter.
I am the daughter of my parents.
Fusta este pentru mătușa mea.
The skirt is for my aunt.
un unchi este fratele tatălui sau mamei tale
an uncle is your father’s or mother’s brother
is the brother of your father or mother
soția unchiului meu este mătușa mea
my uncle’s wife is my aunt
The wife of my uncle is my aunt
tu ești mama lui sau sora lui?
are you his mother or his sister?
O cunosc dupa nume.
I know her by name.
Eu sunt fiica parintilor mei.
I am my parents’ daughter.
I am the daughter of my parents.
parents se termina cu s–>nu se mai adauga ‘s
Sunteți soțiile noastre.
You are our wives.
copiii citesc numele animalelor *
the children read the animals’ names
children read the names of the animals
-animals se termina cu s
Ea iși ascultă mama.
She listens to her mother.
Părinții ei ies in oras.
Her parents go out.
are going out
Her parents go out on the town
/into town.
Cămașa roșie este pentru soțul meu.
The red shirt is for my husband.
Ai frati? rude?
Do you have siblings?
Do you have any relatives?
siblings-frati, surori
fiul meu se joacă cu țestoasele
my son plays with the turtles
iti scrie sotul
the husband writes you
Dacă ea îți mai oferă o șansa, cu siguranță crede în tine.
If she gives you one more opportunity/chance, she definitely/certainly believes in you.
El a venit cu mașina.
He came by car.
studenții au stat în Roma până* săptămâna trecută
the students stayed in Rome until last week
lapte praf **
Powdered milk.
milk powder
El ascultă radioul dimineața.
He listens to the radio in the morning.
Lanțisorul soției mele.
My wife’s chain.
ceasul este în portofel
the watch is in the wallet
Este un lanț pentru fiica mea.
It is a chain for my daughter.
Îmi place romanul lui.
I like his novel.
versiune *
el i-a făcut ei suc de portocale în fiecare dimineață
he made her orange juice every morning
ea a apărut noaptea*
she appeared at night
in the night
ieri noapte Jose si-a auzit prietenul la radio
last night Jose heard his friend on the radio
părinții mei au gătit pentru prietenii mei
my parents cooked for my friends
Ei s-au plăcut unul pe altul imediat*
They liked each other right away/immediately
Each is a way of seeing the members of a group as individuals, while every is a way of seeing a group as a series of members
Toți* au venit* la curs la timp.
Everybody came to the class on time.
Everyone came to class on time.
They all showed up on time
everybody - natural, informal, casual
Eu am mers pe jos pana la aeroport.
I walked to the airport.
Eu am mers spre parc
I walked towards the park
I walked to the park
Căsătoria ei a luat sfarsit.
Her marriage is over.
familia îi mulțumește băiatului
the family thanks the boy
Arhitectul este omul cu cămașa albă.
The architect is the man with the white shirt.
gardian, paznic
el este bucătarul nostru
he is our cook
chef - bucatar sef
Cine este chelnerița noastră?
Who is our waitress?
Este mai scump.
(dp obiect)
It is more expensive.
The word ‘much’ refers to a large amount or plenty of something.
The word ‘more’ is the comparative degree of much/many.
Eu dorm departe* de tine.
I sleep far away from you.
Nu este neapărat mai scump.
It is not necessarily more expensive.
The word ‘much’ refers to a large amount or plenty of something.
The word ‘more’ is the comparative degree of much/many.
Sunt chiar eu
Sunt cu adevărat eu.
It is really me.
Eu in general beau cafea cu lapte.
I generally drink coffee with milk.
Noi în general mâncăm pește vineri
we generally eat fish on Friday ok
In general we eat fish ok
Soldații ii vorbesc căpitanului
The soldiers speak to the captain.
speak - formal
talk - informal
Fermierul nu are* cal.
2 feluri
The farmer does not have a horse.
The farmer has no horse.
motor* sau motocicletă
Motor/engine or motorcycle.
eu conduc* raionul de cosmetice din cadrul* hipermarketului
I run/manage/lead the cosmetics department/district within/ in/of/at the hypermarket
Gestionez/conduc* secțiunea* de carte a librăriei.
I manage/run/lead the books section/department of the bookstore
raion *5
section, department
zone, segment, district
El citește lista de vinuri.
He reads the wine list.
A pus revista pe masă.
She put the magazine on the table.
Călătoria este gratuită.
The trip is for free.
trip-ceva mai de scurta durata
journey-de lunga durata
Când au scris o scrisoare?
When did they write a letter?
El vrea să mărească controlul.
He wants to increase the control.
Îți amintești de acei ani?
Do you remember those years?
Nu ma simt bine*
I do not feel well/good
Nu trebuie să alegeți.
You do not have to choose.
Vrei să ne întâlnim mâine?
Do you want us to meet tomorrow?
You want to meet tomorrow?
Unde trebuie sa las actele*?
Where do I have to leave the documents?
Trebuie să opresc mașina.
I have to stop the car.
Vreau să candidez la acel program.
I want to apply to that program.
Au 6 luni să dezvolte asta.
They have 6 months to develop this.
Eu Vreau ca tu să repeți întrebarea.
I want you to repeat the question.
Vreau ca el sa inteleaga problema.
I want him to understand the problem.
Eu vreau ca tu să repeți întrebarea.
I want you to repeat the question.
Ei știu să numere.
They know how to count.
Nu sunt deloc de acord cu tine deloc.
I don’t agree with you at all.
El vrea să mă evite.
He wants to avoid me.
Profesorul vrea să definească un cuvânt nou în fiecare zi.
The teacher wants to define a new word every day.
Când încep* eu?
When do I begin?
Încerc să o evit.
(un obiect)
I try to avoid it.
Pentru a produce carne sunt necesare animale.
To produce meat animals are necessary.
the target, aim, objective, goal, scope, intention, meaning, point
copiii fetelor
the girls’ children
pt ca se termina cu s, nu se mai adauga un ‘s
Este ea un copil?
Is she a child?
Suntem noi barbati?
Are we men?
tu și cu mine bem apă
you and i drink water
băiatul ia cina
the boy has dinner
Eu mananc vita, el mananca porc.
I eat beef he eats pork.
Cina este o masă.
Dinner is a meal.
upper gums
gingii superioare
nu femeia
not the woman
supă de roșii
tomato soup
Noi luam cina.
We have dinner.
femeia bea suc de fructe
the woman drinks fruit juice
El Ia prânzul.
He has lunch.
este micul dejun?
Is it breakfast?
Este carne de vită?
Is it beef?
Ei sunt profesionisti.
They are professional.
They are professionals.
copilul se joacă cu un cal de lemn
the child plays with a wooden horse
Tu faci munca minima*.
You do the minimum work.
El este viitorul meu soț.
He is my future husband.
Este un scriitor religios.
He’s a religious writer.
faithful /believing
Ți-e frică?
Are you afraid?
in sfarsit maine este vineri
finally tomorrow is Friday
Ce sunt ele mai exact?
What are they exactly?
In cele din urma, ele il au pe el.
Finally they have him.
Nu, nu în mod normal.
No, not normally.
Ei iau masa.
They have the meal.
Este un rac*.
It is a crab.
(cancer, lobster-homar)
pisica băieților
the boys ‘cat
Care este numele fiicei tale?
What is your daughter’s name?
Ei sunt barbatii noștri
they are our men
caii ei beau apă
her horses drink water
Nu copiii tăi.
Not your children.
Iunie începe mâine
June starts tomorrow
minutele si orele trec*
the minutes and the hours pass/go by / pass by
pass - abonament
in septembrie incepe* toamna*
in September fall starts
in September autumn begins
autumn begins in September
Sunt mere.
They are apples.
Ea și cu mine mâncăm mere.
She and I eat apples.
Avem ziarele bărbaților
We have the men’s newspapers.
Sunt ei băieții lui?
Are they his boys?
Citesc ziarul femeii.
I read a woman’s newspaper.
pisica își mănâncă hrana
the cat eats its food
Copilul meu mănâncă pește, iar al tău este vegetarian.
My child eats fish and yours is vegetarian.
El Își mănâncă sandvișul.
He eats his sandwich.
pisica copiilor mănâncă păsări
the children’s cat eats birds
Nu este cartea lui, este a mea.
It is not his book it is mine.
Pisica mea îți mănâncă șoarecele.
My cat eats your mouse.
Caii nu sunt ai noștri.
The horses are not ours.
pisicile copiilor
the children’s cats
câinii lor mănâncă pește
their dogs eat fish
Eu am pisica fetei.
I have the girl’s cat.
Ea îmi citește un ziar.
She reads me a newspaper.
Noi o avem pe ea
We have her.
Noi le citim lor un ziar.
We read them a newspaper.
Ne-au citit meniul.
They read us the menu.
Bea el bere?
Does he drink beer?
Eu auzisem de acest loc.
I had heard of this place.
(still, also, else)
. ………………
in orice caz, insa, dar
Totusi,eu văd întotdeauna soldatul.
However, I always see the soldier.
Dar totuși există? /este acolo?
But yet it is there?
yet-inca, totusi
Lucrez mereu până târziu.
I always work until late.
I always work late.
I’m always working late.
În timpul tinereții mele.
During my youth.
Eu am numai pantaloni* albi.
I only have white pants.
(e bine unde este situat only)
Noi in prezent nu avem ulei.
(2 feluri)
We currently don’t have oil.
We currently have no oil.
Mă gândesc doar* la* tine.
I think only about you.
I’m just/only thinking of/about you.
I only think of you.
Și totuși nu.
And yet no.
Not - ok
Nu el
Not him.
Unde este al doilea om?
Where is the second man?
Bea* puțin*3 ceai.
Drink a bit of tea.
Drink some* tea.
Have a little* tea.
Vorbim la cină.
We speak over dinner.
We’ll talk over/at dinner.
I’ll talk to you over/at dinner.
Este o farfurie de orez.
It is a plate of rice.
- staff
- stuff
1.people that work in an organisation
Despre ce este cartea?
What is the book about?
Ies in oras după cină.
I go out after dinner.
Le scriu copiilor.
I write to the children.
Alergăm lângă* femeie.
We run near the woman.
We run next to the woman.
We run alongside the woman.
Iarna este anotimpul căpșunilor.
Winter is the season of strawberries.
din martie până în mai
from March until May
from March to May
March to May
Un secol se termina*
A century is over.
A century ends
A century comes to an end
A century is ending
Ei lucrează de marți până joi
they work from Tuesday to Thursday
Hainele mele, pantofii mei, rochiile mele.
My clothes my shoes my dresses.
Care este varsta baiatului?
What is the boy’s age?
What is the age of the boy?
How old is the boy?
Ce data este astazi?
Care este data de azi? Ok
What is the date today?
What date is today?
Azi este sambata sau duminica?
is it Sunday or Saturday today?
Is today Sunday or Saturday? - asta apare la cele 3 dictionare, apare si la o varianta duolingo
Nu am spus niciodată că nu-mi place curtea ta.
I have never said I don’t like your yard.
I never said I didn’t like your yard
I never said I don’t like your yard
suma dintre 6 și 8 este 14
the sum of 6 and 8 is 14
Eu nu presupunesem nimic.
I had not assumed anything.
I didn’t assume anything.
I wasn’t assuming anything.
guessing, presuming, supposing, thinking
Nu se simțise niciodată obosit înainte.
(had +)
He had never felt tired before.
El presupusese că el era trist
(had +)
He had assumed that he was sad
Tu nu ai presupus* asta.
You have not assumed that.
suppose, presume, think
hainele noastre
our clothes
Eu il iau
I take it.
Noi luam micul dejun
We have the breakfast.
Am nevoie de o seara fara copii.
I need a night off from children.
Nu lângă noi.
Not near us.
Tatăl lor o permite*
Their father allows it.
permits, lets, enables
Ei Își urmează tatăl.
(present simple)
They follow their father.
Eu am încredere în părinții mei.
I trust my parents.
Ei includ medicii.
They include the doctors.
Ei ne dau cartea.
They give us the book.
Multumesc. Cu placere.
Thanks, you are welcome.
Este carne de porc?
Is it pork?
animalul se joacă pe sol/ pământ
the animal plays on the ground
Banca este pe dreapta.
The bank is on the right.
Este zona lor.
It is their zone.
Este important pentru comunitatea lor.
It is important for their community.
Nu a mai băut bere de ieri.
She has not drunk beer since yesterday.
A patra farfurie de paste este pentru el.
The fourth plate of pasta is for him.
Sunt in al patrulea an.
I am in the fourth year.
Acum avem o a treia fiică.
Now we have a third daughter.
Suma totală este diferită fata de data trecută.
The total amount is different from last time.
Mă culc la 12:00.
I go to bed at 12:00.
Folosesc mai puțin ulei când gătesc.
I use less oil when I cook.
Ai un câine, nu o pisică
You have a dog not a cat
la revedere Anna
bye Anna
câinii băieților beau apă
the boys’ dogs drink water
Ea e fata voastra?
Este fata ta?
Is she your girl?
Ei dunt băieții lui?
Are they his boys?
Sora mea este mai mică decât tine.
My sister is smaller than you.
Casa mea este mai mică decât a iubitului meu.
My house is smaller than my boyfriend’s.
copiii fetelor
the girls’ children
ce este obiectul din castron?
what is the object in the Bowl
Mâncăm și rădăcina.
Noi mancam de asemenea
We also eat the root.
Am un burete galben.
I have a yellow sponge.
Văd un scaun pe birou.
I see a chair on the desk.
Ei Au chemat un doctor.
They called a doctor.
a plouat luni?
it rained on Mondaya plouat luni
a căzut bunicul meu a cazut
my grandfather fell
băiatul a bătut ieri la geam
the boy beat on the window yesterday
A bătut pe altcineva ieri.
He beat someone else yesterday.
studenţii au rămas la Roma până în septembrie
the students stayed in Rome until September
Vă rog să spuneți clar. Da sau nu.
Please say clearly. Yes or no.
Astăzi in mod sigur cu siguranță nu este ziua mea.
Today is definitely not my day.
El in mid sigur
Cu siguranță îl place.
She definitely likes him.
Du-te Mergeți oriunde doriți.
Go anywhere where you want to.
Tu Esti aproape perfect.
You are almost perfect.
E deja aproape noapte.
It is already almost night.
Este cineva cu tine?
Is anybody with you?
Vreau totul.
I want it all.
Îmi place verdele de pe această cămașă.
I like the green on this shirt.
Luați celălalt scaun.
Take the other chair.
Sunt aproape o altă persoană.
I am almost another person.
E cineva acasă?
Is anybody at home?
/home - ok
Arăta el ca un doctor?
Did he look like a doctor?
Ea nu obișnuia să bea vin.
She did not use to drink wine.
Nu au vorbit cu doctorul.
They did not talk to the doctor.
Tatăl s-a uitat la fiică.
The dad did look to the daughter.
Ce animale mănâncă zahăr?
Which animals eat sugar?
Fata spune de ce?
The girl says why?
Cine are o întrebare?
Who has a question?
Fata spune de ce?
The girl says why?
Dar tu îl vezi
But you see it
Le arăți câinele.
You show them the dog.
Eu ii le aud.
I hear them.
Faceți sandvișurile.
Make the sandwiches.
Au urmat ordinul
They have followed the order
Esti vegetarian sau nu?
Are you vegetarian or not?
nu el, ci eu
not him, but me
Este între ziare.
It is between the newspapers.
bărbatul se plimba
the man walks
El Citește o cartepentru a se pregati pentru/ în pregătirea orei.
He reads a book in preparation for the class.