Dry Heat Cooking Terms Flashcards
Match dry heat cooking terms with their correct definitions.
Wrapping an item with strips of fat before cooking to baste the meat, making it more moist.
Inserting long, thin strips of fat into a large, naturally lean piece of meat with a special needle before cooking to baste the meat from the inside.
Soaking an item in a combination of wet and dry ingredients to provide flavor and moisture.
Combines dry and wet ingredients. It is a mixture dry ingredients (wheat flour, all-purpose flour, corn meal, rice flour.), the liquid (beer, milk, wine, water), and a binder (generally eggs) which helps the mixture adhere to the product.
Has the same components as batter, but they are not blended together.
Swimming Method
Gently drop a breaded or batter-coated food in hot oil, where it falls to the bottom of the fryer and then swims to the surface. Once the food item reaches the surface, turn them over, if necessary, so they brown both sides
The point when the food items rises to the surface of the oil and appears golden brown, indicating doneness.
Basket Method
Bread the food, place it in a basket, lower the basket and food in the hot oil, then lift it all out with the basket when the food is done.
Double Basket Method
place the food item in the basket then fit another basket on top of the first.The top basket keeps the food from floating to the surface of the oil.
a rapid cooking method that uses high heat from a source located above the food
Food is cooked on a grill rack above the heat source. No liquid is added to the food during cooking.
cooked food by surrounding the items with hot, dry air in the oven, such as cookies and cakes
techniques that cook food by surrounding the items with hot dry air in the oven. As the outer layer of the food become heated the foods natural juices turn to steam and are absorbed into the food. These juices create a natural sauce.
cook food in an oil over less intense heat than that used for sauteing or stir-frying.
Cooks food rapidly in a small amount of fat over relatively high heat.
Deep Frying
Bread or batter the food then immerse it in hot fat, and fry it until it is done.
cooking a food item on a hot flat surface (known as griddle) or in a relatively dry heavy bottomed fry pan or cast iron skillet.