Drug Disposition III Flashcards
Important pharmacokinetic parameters: (5)
Bioavailability Volume of distribution First order elimination rate constant Half-life Clearance
During time course of drug action, assume ____ concentrations are proportional concentrations at _____ tissue.
plasma target
Drug action models are especially useful when: (2)
when magnitude of therapeutic effect cannot be measured clinically therapeutic window is narrow
Pharmacokinetic parameters vary substantially in the population and can even change over time in a single patient. True or false?
Most drugs are eliminated this way:
first order drug elimination
Constant fraction of drug eliminated per unit time is ___ ____ drug elimination.
first order
fThe first order elimination rate constant, ____ is the fractional rate of drug elimination.
What are the units for kE?
units of reciprocal time
How do you calculate kE given starting plasma concentration? For example, starting plasma concentration is 600 ng/ml.
starting plasma concentration * (1-kE) 480 ng/ml
The time required to reduce the plasma drug concentration by 50% is known as _____. What are the units?
half-life time
t1/2 is _________ proportional to kE.
Estimate the half life of the drug:
50% of y-axis, then 1/2 on x-axis in left direction and half in right direction. Subtract x(greater value) - x(lesser value) = seconds about 0.7
Calculate half life from Log Plasma Concentration versus time plot t1/2 =
What determines duration of action of a single dose?
___-___ half-lives for a dose to be effectively eliminated
In ______ dosage schedules, determines time to reach a new steady state when rate of administration changes.
Together, half life with _____ __ _____, determines choice of dosage interval.
margin of safety
Half life is an _____ process.
Drug administration is ____ order and elimination is ____ order.
zero first Because taking the pill does not depend on plasma concentrations.
What type of curve is this?
Plot of drug absorption and elimination Elimination rate exceeds absorption so curve peaks
Rate of drug absorption can be affected by: (3)
route of administration blood flow slow-release preparations
Slower absorption means (2)
Lower peak concentrations Longer duration of action
______ plasma concentration is reached under: zero order drug administration first order drug elimination
Most drugs given _____ every half life.
____ _____ , (units of ___) is the volume of plasma from which drug is fully removed per unit time.
plasma clearance ml/min
CLp = Σ _____organs
CL of all
CLp equation:
rate of elimination plasma concentration
KNOW What equation is this? CSS * CLp Concentration of steady state * clearance in plasma
Rate of Administration
Half life has nothing to do with steady state. True or false? Clearance is 1.44 L/kg/h, and its half-life is 1.9 h. At what rate would you need to infuse morphine intravenously to achieve an effective steady state plasma concentration of 65 mg/L in a 70 kg man?
6.5 mg/hr
Clearance (CL) is __________ to half life.
inversely proportional
CL is dependent on Vd. True or false?
false independent If you rate of Vd is increased, it is much slower to clear.
It takes__-___ half-lives to reach steady- state.
KNOW Time to reach new CSS depends only on the ___
half life exponential
What can occur is there is an altered clearance of drug, for example people with renal insufficiency?
cumulative poisoning
Therapeutically it is better to reduce dosing rate because ____ ____ at steady state remains the same despite number of doses.
mean concentration
Choice of dose interval depends on balance of the following: (4)
Drug half-life Size of therapeutic window Frequency/severity of adverse effects Convenience and patient compliance
When is a loading dose needed? (2)
drugs with a long T rapid onset needed for emergency
Total loading dose depends on: (3)
plasma concentration volume of distribution bioavailability Total loading dose=(concentration) (Vd) F
Loading dose is ___ times maintenance dose.
2 like z pack
Single loading dose followed by ______ maintenance doses.
What is the major goals of drug monitoring and dose adjustment?
refine estimate of clearance refine estimate of bioavailability
When do you sample when monitoring a drug? (2)
Allow long enough after dosing for distribution phase to be over Usually, best time is right before a scheduled dose
When monitoring a drug it is important to know if the patient is in steady state with a drug. True or false?
true in order to get an accurate estimate of steady state
Treat the patient, not just the number because: (2)
Therapeutic window may vary with individuals Knowledge of previous plasma concentrations is important
Constant absolute amount of drug is eliminated per unit time is known as:
zero order kinetics of drug elimination
Amount eliminated is independent of concentration of drug remaining at any given time is known as
zero order kinetics
In zero order kinetics, it is possible to reach steady state. True or false?
false Can NEVER reach steady state!