Drug Allergies Flashcards
Risk factors
- chemical structure
- Molecular weight
- route of administration
- Dose, duration of therapy, repeated exposure to drug
Immunogenic compoud
molecular mass required for immunogenicity
greater than 10,000 daltons
binding between Hapten and carrier
what must occur for drug to form a hapten/carrier conjugate
be chemically reactive
what if the drug is not intrinsically reactive, how can it be activated?
- Biotransformation
- Photoactivation
what does complete antigen mean?
macromolecular drugs that do not require binding to invoke an immune response
Gell and Coombs classification
I. Anaphylactic - IgE mediated (
Fatal anaphylaxis
Asphyxia due to laryngeal edema or cardiovascular collapse
Serum sickness
syndrome due to soluble circulating immune complexes (Ag excess)
Presents with fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy
Morbilliform skin eruptions
onset is a week - 2 wks post exposure
Serum sickness
- cephalosporins (ceflacor)
- antivenin (equine serum)
may be due to release of factors or direct pharmacologic effects on tissues (eg w/ chemo)
High variable temperature pattern (spiking)
prompt resolution after removal of causative drug
Drug fever
Amphotericin B
Rigors, fever, and hypotension after use of TCN, Doxy, Pen G for treatment of spirochetal and bacterial infections, Louse Borne relapsing fever or Tick borne refractory fever
Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction
JHR happens due to
sudden release of bacterial components from injured and or killed bacteria
Drug induced SLE
- drug characteristics?
- Sex distribution?
- Which drugs?
- When does it typically resolve?
- Hydrazine/Amino group linked to an aromatic ring
- Equal
- HIPP: Hydralazine, Isoniazid, procainamide, phenytoin (also quinidine and penicillamine)
- 3-6 mos
Onset - several mo after beginning drug
Fever, malaise, rash, Arthralgias, myalgias, mucosal ulcers, pulmonary involvement
Systemic Lupus erythematosus
Fever, rash, eosinophilia
proteinuria, hematuria, eosinophiluria
Interstitial Nephritis
- Anti staphylococal PCN
- Cephalosporins
- Sulfonamides
- Cimetidine