Drama-blood brothers Flashcards
Mrs Johnstone-key charecteristics
Mrs Johnstone- key scenes
1) Are y’that desperate to have a baby’- deciding to give her child away compassionate, empathetic
2)yeh. but keep it a secret eddie? just our secret between you an me’- locket symbolises their connection, maternal insticts and impulsive tendancies
3)nothin, nothing you bought me off once before’- knife scene shows resilliance and strength and maturity
Mrs lyons key traits
- desperate/lonely
- manipulative
- driven
Mrs Lyons key scenes
1)i believe that an adopted child can become ones own’- lonely desperate for children quite vulnerable- priveleged
2)you will kill them- manipulative playing on her beliefs on mrs johnstone
3)I curse you witch- manipulative, frantic and violent
Mickey key traits
- energetic
- spirited
- playful
- cheeky
- curious
Mickey key scenes
1) Age 7- y’know like the F’ word- wants to show off and seem cool compared to eddie
2) Age 18- ‘ I suppose you still are one arent you’ Mickey is realisising how different there lives are now and how much more priveleged eddie is than him
3) So i could be invisible’- pills have changed his future becomes frantic and full of rage
Eddie- key traits
- polite
- sweet
- well mannered
- generous
Eddie key scenes
1) Age 7- take as many as youd like’- generosity well educated proper
2)’ you can take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut’- gained confidence rebellious
3) tilt my hat to the world and say screw you- not street smart doesnt understand that mickey cant do that
Blood brothers context- Aims
- to shownus that there are disadvantages to poor and working class
- the failure to suceed in life is not because of a lack of ability but a lack of oppurtunity
- Willy russell wants us to ask ourselves that question for the 21st centuary
Blood brothers context- Liverpool
- because of the position on the river mersey was a prosperous seaport in the 19th centuary
-in the 20th centuary the silting the river was a place of financial depression
Blood brothers context-poverty
- clear established link between poverty and education system
Blood brothers context- views of the time
- divorce was uncommen and this is the reason the neighbours might disapprove of her
- people strong disapproved of sex before marriage this is why mrs johnstone has to marry quickly
Blood brothers context- unemployment
- the play was set at a point when the factories were closing down
- reached 25% in 1980s
Blood brothers context-Education
- Only few children could enter even if they got a place there wasnt a guarrentee of a qualification
- the pass mark would be deliberatly high
1945 education act had made grammer schools fee working class children had to pass the 11+ to go
Blood brothers context- Grammar schools
-people take o levels then either do a levels or leave school and get a job
- for fewer universitys places then so most would go into umployment after school