Christianity practices Flashcards
Kinds of worship
-liturgical worship-is achurch service that follows service a set structure or ritual
-non liturgical-a service that does not follow a set text or ritual
-informal worship-spontanous and charismatic
-takes place in a church
-priest leads the congregation and may perform symbolic actions
-formal prayers with set responses
-bible passengers are read out there may be a sermon
- music and hymns
-eucharist-catholic, orthodox and anglican
liturgical whys it important
-worldwide set order for service that is familiar to everyone
- ritual is passed down though generations gives a sense of tradition
- bible readings follow the christian calender and teach christian historyand faith
Non litugical-form
-takes place in a church
- often focused on bible teachings followed by as sermon
- may also have prayers and hymns but there is no set order, the number and type can change from week to week
Non litugical-example
services in non conformist churches e.g methodist baptist united reformed
Non litugical-why is it important
-services can be planned and ordered to suit a certain theme
-non conformist churches place an emphasis on the word of god in the bible
-community or house churhces
importance of prayer
-encourages reflection in the middle of a busy life
-enables christians to talk and listen to god
-helps christians to keep a close relationship with god
-helps christians to accept god’s will even if it means suffering
-gives a sense of peace
-gives strength in times of trouble
importance of lords prayer
-a model of a good prayer
-forgive others in order to be forgiven
-god is the father of the whole christian community
Baptism- sacremnts
-imitates johns baptism by john the baptist
- enters new life with christ in the christian community
-is cleansed of sin
-becomes a member of the christian church
-becomes a child of god
-recieves god’s saving grace and the holy spiritm
Infant baptism-practiced
- catholic
-and united reformed
Infant baptism-reasons
removes orginal sin
-allows the child to be welcomed into the shurch as soon as possible
-the parents can thank god for their new baby
Infant baptism-how
-priest of minister pours holy waeter over baby’s head and says ‘i patise you in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit
-god parents and parents promise to bring up the child as a christian
child is welcomes into the christian community
Believers baptism-practised by
-baptists pentecostalists
Believers baptism-reasons why
- people shuld be old enough to consciously make a mature decision about their faith
-the decisision to live dedicated to jesus is what saves a person rather then baptism itsekf
Believers bapism-what happens
the person is immersed in a pool which symbolised cleansing from sin and rising to new life in christ
-when asked whether they are willing to change their lives the person gives a brief testimony of their faith in jesus
- the person is baptised ‘in the name of the father and the of the son and of the holy spirit’
Holy communion
-catholics, orthodox and some anglicans believe the bread and wine became the body ajd blood of christ.this means jesus is fully present in the bread and wine. this divine mystery that helps belivers share in the saving sacrifice of jesus’ death and resurrection
-protestant christians celebrate holy communion as a reminder of the last supper. they do not believe the bread and wine become the body and blood of christ ‘for whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lords death until he comes-1 corinthiains 11:26
impact of holy communion- individuals
-christians recieve god’s grace by joining in the sacrifice of jesus
-this helps to strengthen their faith
-the become closer to god
impact of holy communion-communities
-holy commmunion brings everyone together in unity by sharing the bread and wine
-this can provide support and encouragement for those going through a difficult time
impact of holy communion-wider society
-acts a s a call to love others in a practical way
-it encourages christians to work for equality and justice for all
-many churches collect money during the service to help support those in need
differences between holy communion services-orthodox divine liturgy
liturgy of the word
-there are hyms prayers and a bible reading
-the priest comes through the royal doors to chant the gospelm
-there may be a sermon
liturgy of the faithful
role of Pilgrimage
-meet others who share the same faith
-experiance a holy place
-help other pilgrims who are disabled or ill
-seek a cure for illness
-thank god for a blessing
-pray for something special
-reflect on ones life
-be forgiven for sin
-strengthen faith in god
-grow closer to god
Places of christian pilgrimage
Places of christian pilgrimage-Lourdes significance
-where mary is said to have appearence in a number of visions to a young girl
-mary told bernadette to dig in the ground and when she did a spring of water appeared
-the water is believed to have healing properties and a number of healing miracles are claimed to have taken place here
Places of christian pilgrimage-Lourdes activities
-pilgrims go to lourdes to bathe in the waters of the spring, or to help other pilgrims who are ill or disabled to bathe in the waters
-pilgrims also pray for healing or forgiveness
-they may recite the rosary together
Places of christian pilgrimage-iona aignificance
-where st columba establisheda monastic community in the 6th centuary AD
-the community now has an ecumenical centre where pilgrims can stay
Places of christian pilgrimage-iona activities
-because it is quiet and a place of natural beauty pilgrims can spend time praying reading the bible and reflecting or meditating
commemorates the incarnation of jesus
-light represents jesus as the light coming into the worl of darkness
-nativity scenes show the scene of baby jesus being born
-carol services with bible readings remind christians about god’s promise of a saviour
- midnight mass reflects the holinessof the night
What does the church do for the local community
1) Individual churches
-educate about christianity
- meeting places for prayer and worship
-provide activities for younger people
2) the church
-supports local projects
- provides social services
- help those in need
- campaigns for justice
examples trussell trust-
-charity running iver 400 food banks
importance of helping the local community
- jesus taught that christians should help others by showing agape love
‘ faith by itself, if it is not accompnied by action, is dead’
street pastors
- started in london in 2003
-adult voplounteers are trained to patrol streets in urban areas - the main aim used to be to challenge gange culture and knife crime
parish nursing ministries
- supports whole person healthcare through the local chruch
-provide churches with registered parish nursing who promote well being in body,mind and spirit - the nurses help provide early diagnosis of health problems
the great comission
- ‘therefore go and make disciples of all nations’ Matthew 28:19-20
- Jesus gave a great commission to his disciples to spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations
- all christians have a duty to spread their faith, but some bceome missionaries or evangalists
- an example of evangalism in britain
- ## started in london by an anglican priest
growth of the church
- ## worldwide around 80,000 people become christians each day and over 500 churches are formed
ways christians can spread faith
- advertising and using media
- praying for others to accept god
- sharing what god has done for them with others
- inviting people to christian meetings, fellowship meals and social events
christ for all nations
- christian organisation that promotes evangalism
- led by richard bonnke and daniel kolenda
working for reconsiliation
- christians believe humans were reconciled to god through jesus death and resurrection–>helped to restore the relationship between god and humanity
- catholics-sacrement of reconciliation helps to restore relationship with god
- reconciliation is an important part of the churches work
- ’ for if, while we were god’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his’ romans 5:10
christian responses to persecution- some christians
- persecution can have a positive effect
- strengthens faith and conviction
- it also allows them to share in the suffering of jesus
- ’ yes - to know t in his sufferings’he power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings’-phillipians 3;10
christian responses to persecution- the church
- important to act against persecution
- by supporting persecuted
‘if one part suffers everypart suffers with it’-corinthians 12:26
christian responses to persecution- other christians
- encouraged to show love and forgiveness
-‘ do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good’-romans 12:21
helping those in poverty
- parable of the rich man and lazurus
- parable of the good samaritan