crime and punishment Flashcards
good and evil intentions and actions-christians
good and evil intentions and actions-buddhist
reasons why people commit crimes-poverty
-christians- stealing is wrong but people should do what they can to help make sure nobody finds themselves in the position of having to steal becauseof poverty
buddhists- stealing contradicts the second moral precept
reasons why people commit crimes-upbringing
-christians- parents should teach their children the right way to behave through their own words and actions- —
- buddhists-people need supportive conditions growing up in order to develop sensitivity to others and to learn ho to behave ethically
reasons why people commit crimes-mental illness
- christians- treating the causes of the illness is the most loving and compassionate way of dealing with it
- buddhists- everyone sees reality in a distorted way which leads people to inflict suffering on themselves
reasons why people commit crimes-addiction
-christians- against taking illegal drugs and support rehabilitation as a way of of defeating an addiction
- buddhists - people under the influence of drugs lose awareness and so are less sensitive to others. fifth moral precpt
reasons why people commit crimes-greed
-christians- the ten commandments forbid evy that often causes greed
-buddhists- acting out of greed i s unskilful and leads to suffering
reasons why people commit crimes-hate
-christians- jesus taught to love everybody icluding their enemies
-buddhists- hatred is one of three poisons and one of the main causes of suffering
reasons why people commit crimes-opposition to an unjust law
-christians- may agree if no violence is involved and nobody gets harmed
-buddhists- might disobey a law that expresses prejudice and hatred
religous beiefes on law breaker-christians
- offenders must be punished
- have basic rights
- helped to become responsible members of society
- parable of sheep and goats
religous beiefes on law breaker-buddhism
-does not favour the idea of punishment
- rooted in vengeance
- there will be consequences for people who act unskilfully
type of crime-Hate crime
christians-condemn hate crimes because they believe god created all humas equal
- taught his followers to love your neighbour mark 12:31
buddhists-one of the three posuons
- - no justification for hatred or intolerance
type of crime-theft
christians- teft is against the ten commandments
- christians do not agree with any theft including theft caused by need rather than greed
buddhists- theft breaks secondmoral consept
- stregthens greed
- expresses lack of respect
type of crime-murder
- christian- murder is wrong only god cant take away life
- againts ten commandemnts exodus 20:13
buddhists- breaks first moral precept
inflicts suffring
retribution- to change someones behaviour for the better
- aims to use punihsment that helps offenders to give up crime
- may involve therapy or counselling
-christians- favour reformation over other aims of punishment
– positive reather than negative - buddhists- should be encourage to recognisethe sufferingthey have caused apolagisr to their victims