Dr REHILA Flashcards
To learn the no. Of fetuses Twinning and litter size and gestation of various animals
What is the anatomical characteristics of the Dog
The dog uterus anatomy consists of three main parts – horns, body, and cervix.
* Female dogs have a V-shaped uterus with a cervix, a short body, and two long horns.
Each of the horns cranially continues with the uterine tube and is internally devoured of
What are the factors that determine the number of fetuses in dog
breed, size of the dog and the individual dog’s health.
What is the number of litter a dog can give and average litter sizes
A normal litter size can range from 1 to 12 puppies, with 5-6 puppies being average
across all dogs
What is the anatomic characteristics of the Cow
The uterus consists of a “body” and two “horns”.
* It is attached to the broad ligament and suspended within the pelvic cavity
and posterior portion of the body cavity.
What is the number of litter a cow can give
Cows typically have a single fetus, although it’s possible for them to have
twins or even triplets in rare cases.
What condition happen when a cow give twin and what is the percentage of this event happening
- Twins occur about 10% of the time.
- Calving difficulties are more frequent with twins, and the calves are often
weak at birth. - When one twin is a heifer, and one is a bull calf, the heifer (known as a
freemartin ) is sterile more than 90% of the time
What happen in triplets
Triplets are extremely rare and usually occur
due to fertility treatments or genetic predisposition
What is the number of litter a goat can give first kidding and subsequent kidding
Generally, first-kidding does have one or two kids, and in subsequent
kiddings, triplets and quadruplets are not uncommon.
The number of kid a doe give depends on?
doe’s breed
and even nutrition.
What happens if a doe give birth to 5 kids at a time
of such large numbers affects the health of the goat.
How many lamb can an ewe give birth to at a birthing event
which is most common
An ewe usually give birth to 1-3 lambs at each birthing event.
* Two births is most common in well-managed flocks and with many
breeds of sheep.
When do sheeps gives birth
as early as December and go on to as late as june
How many foal can a horse give?
Horses typically only have one baby at a time.
Why can a horse not carry 2 foal to term
The is because of their reproductive system is not designed to support more than one fetus due to limited space
What happens when Twinning occurs in horses
Twin fetuses are uncommon carrying them to term is even unusual
and birthing healthy foals is especially unlikely.
How many litter can a sow have and how long does she wean them
Usually a sow or gilt will have 12 to 13 pigs per litter.
* Sows nurse piglets until they are weaned at about 21 days of age.
What is unique about pig embro
and what type of placenta is present in pig
When the embryos attach to the uterine wall, they will begin to
form in their own placenta, as each piglet has their own placenta.
- Pigs have an epitheliochorial placenta, which means the placenta does
not invade the uterus tissue like other type of uterus
What is multiple pregnancy
Multiple pregnancy means being pregnant with more than one fetus.
* Multiple birth, the delivery of more than one offspring in a single
birth event
what are the two main cause of multiple pregnancy
- Multiple pregnancy usually happens when more than one / 2 or more
egg are fertilized and implant in the uterus. This is called fraternal
twinning. - It also can happen when one egg is fertilized and then splits into 2 or
more embryos that grow into 2 or more babies, it is called
monozygotic twins.
what is litter
A litter is the live birth of multiple offspring at one time in animals
from the same dam and usually from one set of parents, particularly
from three to eight offspring
what is the litter size of smaller breed and primiparous does
they are 4 to 5
kits and larger breeds may produce 8 to 12 kits.
What is the litter size of Rabbit and averagly it is ?
- Each litter can contain between one and 12 babies, with the average
being five.
What is unique about the rabbit reproductive system
And female rabbits can get pregnant again almost immediately after
giving birth.
What word is used for o offspring of mammals but can be used for any animal that give birth to multiple offspring
What animal are litter bearers?
What are the litter size and the average litter of the following animas
rabbit, Dog , Sheep , Goat , and pigs
Rabbits can have upto 15 kits, but the average litter size is 7
* Dogs: A normal litter size can range from 1 to 12 puppies with 5-6 puppies.
* Sheep: Ewes usually give birth to 1 to 3 lambs at each birthing event. Ewe
- Goat: First kidding does have one or two kids, and in subsequent kiddings,
triplets and quadruplets are not uncommon. - Goats are known birth to as many as five kids at a time. The doe can have 1
to 6 kids per litter, but its much more common to have a smaller litter of 1-
3 kids. - Pig: usually a sow or gilt will have 12 to 13 pigs per litter.
- Average litter size is 7.5 pigs, and it is not uncommon for a sow to have 12-
14 pigs per litter.
gestation length
What is gestation length
Gestation refers to the period during which a fetus develops within the uterus of a
female mammal, including humans and animals
What is the most important factors influencing gestation
number of fetuses,
parity or age of the dam,
breed of sire,
breed of dam,
heat or cold stress, and nutrition.
At what age can doe (goat) be mated and what rule is used for their minimum age mated
Does may be mated when 10 to 15 months old so that they kid at the age of 15 to 20
At what age can mare (Horse) be mated and what rule is used for their minimum age mated
Horses can become pregnant as early as 18 months of age
what is the gestation period and average gestation of goat, & sow,
Goat: The gestation period in goats is 145 to 155 days
average gestation period of 150 days
SOW 150 days
what is the gestation period and average gestation of cow,
Gestation in cows typically lasts around 280 to 290 days, with an average
gestation period of 283 days
what is the gestation period and average gestation of Rabbit
Rabbit Gestation ranges from 29 to 35 days, averaging between 30 to 32 days.
what is the gestation period and average gestation of ewe
ewe The gestation period in sheep is 142 to 152 days from the first day of mating.
* Sheep have an average gestation period of 147 days.