Dr adesewa part Flashcards
Theriogenology intro
What is theriogenology
This is a branch of veterinary medicine that deal with reproduction, including the physiology and pathology of both male and female reproductive systems and clinical practice of veterinary obstetrics and gynaecology and semenology
What is veterinary gynaecology
The branch of veterinary medicine that deal with treatment of the female genitals tract
Veterinary obstetrics
The branch of veterinary medicine which deal with the necessary or advisable aid during the act of parturition in all animals coming under the preview of the veterinarian
Dorsally Sacrum
Laterally illium and part of ischium
Largest portion
Irregular to triangular in shape
Broad part of ilium is known as wings
The medial portion of wings is called tiber sacrum while the exterior part to the wings is the tuber coxae or hip bone
The medial part of ilium
The medial part or pelvic surface of the ilium is smooth and is grooved for the obturator vessel and nerve
The ischium is next in size to the ilium and form the caudal part of the floor of the pelis
The caudal lateral portion of the ISCHIUM is referred to as
Tuber ischii
In which animal is the tiber ischii mostly cartilaginous and what age does it under go ankylosis
ISCHIUM anterior border
The anterior border forms the posterior boundary of the obturator foramen
Smallest of the three bones of the os coxae and forms the cranial ventral part of the floor of the pelvis
What differentiate the male and female floor pelvic surface
The dorsal or pelvic surface is usually concave in females and convex in some males
What tendon attaches to the cranial medial border of the pubic bone
What forms the Acetabulum
Acetabulum is formed by the fusion of the ilium , ISCHIUM, and pubis
This bone form a cotyloid cavity in which thd head of femur lodges
What is round ligament
The round ligament is a short band between the head of the femur and the Acetabulum
Consist os a series of 5 fused vertebrae in the horse and ruminants
Four in Pigs
Three in carnivorous
Triangular in shape and articulate anterior with the last lumber and posterior with the coccygeal
In time fuses in old cows
Pelvic ligament and attachment
Sacrosciatic ligament
Dorsal and lateral sacroiliac ligament
Coxofemoral ariticulation
Outline the female genitalia outward – IN
Uterus (uterine body)
Uterine horn
They are consider the prime reproductive organs in the female
Because they produce gamate (the ovum) and female sex hormones
Ovary anatomy
Ovary is made up of the Outer cortex (with numerous follicle developments) and corpora lutum
Interstitial cells
Stroma element
Inner medulla
Made up of primary blood suppl and nerve supplies
What are the structure found in the ovary
Corpus haemorrhagicum
Corpus luteum
Corpus albicans
What are the nerve and blood supply to the ovary
Blood supply : ovarian artery
Nerve supply : automated nerve from the ovarian plexus that arises from the renal and aortic plexus
Factors that influence the size of the ovaries
Structure present on the ovaries
Corpus luteum or follicle
Pair of convoluted tubules extending from the ovaries to the uterian horn
Function: transport of sperm and ovum which travel in different direction
Site of fertilization and early division of the embryo
Parts of the oviduct
Ampulla: sperm reserve point
Isthmus middle part as well as longest part
INFUNDIBULUM: Funnel shaped holds the ovaries
What is puerperium
The period from the end of the 3 rd stage of labour till completion of uterine involution
What attaches to the wings of the illum
Dorsally the wings of the illum in the horse , cow , pig and sheep is concave and provides attachment for gluteal and back muscles
What forms the ischial arch
The caudal border of the ischium slopes inward and. Forward to join with opposite ISCHIUM bone to form the ISHIAL ARCH
Pin bone
The caudo lateral portion of these bone are called the tuber ischi or pin bone
This is a muscular membranous structure for the reception of the fertilized ovum for the nutrition and protection of the foetus and initial stage of its expulsion at parturition
There are four basic types of uteri
The union between the endometrium and extra embryonic membranes
Blood supply to thc uterus
Middle uterine artery,
Utero- ovarian artery and branch of internal pudendal artery, supply the uterus
Nerve supply to the uterus
The sympathetic fibres from the lumber and lower thoracic nerve, uterine and pelvic plexus
The ischiatic spine is prominent in which animal
Sow and cow
Pelvic symphysis
The ischial and pubic bones fuses to for pelvic symphysis
Sacrosciatic ligament
it’s a extensive quadrilateral ligamentous sheath that completes the lateral wall of the pelvic cavity. The ligaments extends from the lateral border of the sacrum and transverse process of the first 2 coccygeal vertebrae to the ischial spine and tuber ishii, it furnishes attachment for the large gluteal muscles and vulva.
Dorsal and lateral sacroiliac ligament
they are attached to the medial wing of the ilium and lateral portion of the sacrum, and summits of the spinal spines. It’s a very firm and rigid articulation. Its further maintained and supported by the sacro-sciatic ligament and prepubic tendon
This is the tendon of insertion of the recti abdominis muscles, except the tranverse abdominis muscles. It’s attached strongly to the cranial border of the pelvic bone.
Coxofemoral ariticulation
Coxofemoral articulations: This is a ball and socket joint of the head of femur, fitting into the acetabulum fossa, made deeper by the cotyloid ligaments which crosses the acetabular notch. The round ligament extends from the subpuvic groove in the acetabulum to the head of the femur and it is intra-articular in occasional cases. These ligaments maybe small or absent.
Function of the sacrosciatic ligament
They furnish attachments for the vulva and gluteal muscles
Prevent the posterior portion of the pelvis or ischia from rescinding from the sacrum.
Form a strong, flexible & yielding wall to the pelvic cavity.
Under pressure of parturition, they yield sufficiently to allow the constricted pelvic outlet to equal in dimensions the larger bony inlet of the pelvis.
What is sacrosciatic ligament also called in dogs
in dogs, this ligament is called sacrotuberous ligament and it’s a narrow band extending from the caudal part of the lateral margin of the sacrum to the tuber ischii
What is the shape of the Pelvic inlet
The pelvic inlet is somewhat oval in shape in all species with the largest diameter being sacropubic, the size of the pelvic inlet varies greatly within species due to breed, age and size.
In what animal is the PREPUBIC TENDON important in
The prepubic tendon is important in herbivores, especially in the mare, where it sometimes rupture during advanced pregnancy resulting in a hernia of the gravid uterus and a destruction of the normal relationship of the pelvis to the spinal column
The increased frequency of hip joint or coxofemoral dislocation in the cow is due to;
Shallowness of the acetabulum
Lack of bulky muscles around the joint
The small or occasionally absent round ligament
Absence of the accessory ligament
Excessive relaxation of the pelvic ligaments in advanced pregnancy and in animals with cystic ovaries
The large size and weight of the abdomen in advanced pregnancy and in dropsy conditions of the foetal membranes, e.g. hydrops allantois.
The awkward gait
What species of animals has Almond shaped ovaries
Cow and ewe
What species of animals has berry shaped ovary
What species of animals has kidney shaped ovaries
What species of animals has the oval slightly flattened ovary
Bitch, Cat
What species of animals has shape of matured corpus luteum
Spheroid or ovoid
Cow , Ewe, sow
What species of animals has shape of matured corpus luteum spheroid
Bitch, Cat
What species of animals has shape of matured corpus luteum pear shaped
What species of animals has type Bicornuate
Cow , Ewe, Sow,Bitch, Cat
What species of animals has uterus type Bipartite
What species of animals has Hymen ill - defined
Cow, Sow,Bitch, Cat
What species of animals has Hymen well developed
Ewe, Mare
Which species of animals has their cervical lumen shaped
2-5 Annular rings
Which species of animals has their cervical lumen shaped
Annular rings
Which species of animals has their cervical lumen shaped
Corkscrew -like
Which species of animals has their cervical lumen shaped conspicuous folds
Which species of animals has their cervical lumen shaped
Bitch and Cat
Which species of animals has their Number of Caruncles
Which species of animals has their Number of Caruncles
Which species of animals has their Number of Caruncles
Slightly longitudinal
Which species of animals has their Number of Caruncles
Conspicuous longitudinal folds
Which species of animals has their Number of Caruncles
Longitudinal folds
Bitch, Cat