Dr. CHIBOGU Flashcards
Puberty in Domestic animal
What is Puberty
Puberty is a transition from juvenile to being reproductive active
What does puberty start with
Puberty start with the first estrus cycle capable of resulting in a fertile ovulation
What does pubery signify
This phase signify that the reproductive organs are now functional and capable of procreation thus preparing for sexual maturity
What is sexual maturity
Sexual maturity is when the animals has goes through several series of ovulation and cycle
What is Gonadal theory’s of puberty induction
- Basal Gonadothropin secretion
2.Rising LH level
- Pubertal thresholds
Non pubertal esttrus
Anovulatory oestrus
Affectionately know as silent heat does not lead to successful fertilization
Pubertal oestrus
In contrast pubertal ooestrus is characterised by ovulation and the potential for fertilitty a clear indication
Factors affecting the onset of puberty
- Body weight n composition
- Inherent genetics ( breed)
- Environmental factors ( seasonal breeders , male effects)
- External nutrition
Gonadostat theory
Before puberty
There is a basal release of GnRH and prodtion of low levels of estrogen
the Hypothalamus and pituitary gland are highly sensitive to low estrogen levels
GnRH is released from hypothalamus and acts on the anterior PITUITARY gland which produces FSH and LH that act on the ovaries to produce Estrogen
Low levels of estrogen has a negative feedback on hypothalamus and pituitary GLAND
During puberty for the Gonadostat theory
There is an increase in GnRH due to stimulus from the Kisspeptin
The increase level cause for the production of estrogen that reaches the threshold and induced the production of LH receptors and LH surge that causes ovulation