Dr. CHIBOGU Flashcards
The oestrus cycle and ovaries changes
What us the oestrus cycle and properties
The oestrus cycle is the interval between one oestrus and the next
It is a critical aspect of reproduction
It dictates the period of sexual receptivity and fertilization
What controls the oestrus cycle
The neuro- endocrine system controls the oestrus cycle
What are the stages of oestrus cycle
The 4 stages include
Oestrus stage
The bitch does not have metoestrus but has Anoestrus
The stages marks the stages of sexual receptivity
Hormone : High estrogen levels
Day :0-2
Metoestrus (post- oestrus)
Post oestrus stage with basal hormones and
Ovulation has just taken place
Hormone: estrogen low
Progesterone low
Fsh low
Lh low.
This stage is characterized by lysis under prostaglandins influence and there is an Fsh spike
What are the two phases of oestrus
Luteal phases
Follicular phase
Progesterone effect on fsh and GnRH
P4 has a negative feedback on this glands
Based on no. Of oestrus what can animals be classified
Monoestrus animal
Polyoestrus animals
Cows, sheep,goat and sows
Seasonal nal polyoestrus
What are the signs of oestrus in domestic animals
Primary signs
the female stand to be mounted
Secondary signs
Increase nervous action
Red vulva
Stringy clean fluid from vulva
Where does fertilization occur in humans and avian
Ampullary isthmus junction
Avian infundibular fertilization
Follicular dynamic
Follicular wave