Dr. Lobo Gross Anatomy of the spinal cord Flashcards
what are the 3 menegies
- dura mater
- pia mater
- arachnoid mater
what makes up the dura of the brain . what about the spinal cord
periosteal and menigeal for the brain. (it has 2 layers)
spinal cord only has menegial layer
where does the spinal cord end
L1 . But the menegies continue to go down
where do we do a lumbar puncture
below L1
what do we need to do before getting CSF
Fundoscopy to see if there is increased intracrainal pressure, this would be evident by papal edema.
the brainstem will herniate down if there is increased cranial pressure
what is the ideal location for spinal tap
L3,L4 at the location of the illiac crest
how many pairs of spinal nerves are there
31 pairs
where does the spinal cord end in adults ? Where doesitend in infants
L1 and L 2
at L3 in infants
what is found below the L1 L2 border
cauda equina
the upper limb is innervated by what part of the spinal cord
c4, c5, c6
what 3 kinds of horns are found from T1 to L2
- ventral horn
2 dorsal horn - lateral horn
how many spinal nerves and vertebraes
31 pairs of nerves , 33 vertebrae
is the vertebral column the same as the spinal cord
do the spinal segments correspond to the vertebrea
no! because the spinal cord is shorter than the vertebral column
what is the rule to estimate the region of the spinal cord affeted
add 1 to cervical spine
add 2 to upper thorracic vertebra
add 3 to lower thorracic vertebra
which spinal segment innervates the nipple and the umbilicus
nipple = t4 umbilicus = t10
what kind of neurons are present in the ventral root
motor neurons
what kind of neurons are present in the dorsal root
can 1 neuron do both motor nd sensory
no , its one or the other
can a nerve do both motor and sensory
yes! beause it is where the motor and sensory nerve come together
what comes off of a spinal nerve?
t spilits into the ventral rami and dorsal rami
the anterior/ ventral root is cut, what will be lost
the dorsal/ posterior root is cut, what will be lost
what is a rhyzotomy and why would you do it
it is cutting roots, you could do it if someone was having painful chemo to stop pain or to prevent excessive movements
the plexus is always formed by what
by the ventral rami
what nerves innervates diaphragm
there is a c8-t1 problem what will be affected
interrosei of hand
there is a problem with c5 what will be lost
biceps reflex
there is a problem with c7 what will be lost
triceps reflex lost
l2 -l4 is messed up what will be lost
knee jerk
l5 is messed up what will be affected
long extensors of great toe
s1 is messed up what will be affected
ankle jerk
what sensory segment innervates the nipple
memorize the lamina of gray matter from powerpoint!!
you got this