Dr Beaver's tute - fracture healing Flashcards
callus formation
mineralisation seen around a healing bone on x-ray: the first stage of bone that you can see on an x-ray
woven bone which will later be converted into lamellar bone (mature bone)
how to describe a fracture
- which bone is involved
- how old is the patient
- which part of the bone is involved: epiphysis, metaphysis, diaphysis, physic
- closed or open: is the skin in tact
- is it comminuted: is it broken into more than 2 pieces
- what shape is the fracture: transverse, spiral, oblique
- displaced or undisplaced
- is it complicated: damage to nerves, vessels, joint surface, overlying skin
- segmental: two fractures in the same bone
- greenstick fracture?
- avulsion: ligaments or strong piece of muscle has pulled off a fragment of the bone
what is an avulsion fracture
ligaments or strong piece of muscle has pulled off a fragment of the bone
what does the periosteum do
a fibrous layer full of osteogenic cells that forms bone
a fracture may tear the periosteum or peel it off
how do you describe displacement
always describe the position of the distal fragment
(this rule is often broken in the hip and the spine)
words to use to describe position of bony fragments
displacement (translation)
shortening (includes impaction)
lengthening (distraction)
what are the directions of the forearm called
the forearm is complicated by pronation so posterior/anterior can’t be used to describe directions
dorsal (hairy side of arm)
volar (underside of forearm)
palmer (underside of hand)
radial (thumb side )
ulnar (pinky side)
what does a dinner fork deformity look like
what is a colles fracture
fall onto dorsiflexed wrist
extension fracture
colles fracture
features of a colles fracture
distal fragment is radially angulated and dorsally displaced
intraarticular extension is possible
? fracture ulnar styloid
what is a smith’s fracture
fall onto palmar flexed wrist
flexion fracture
smith’s fracture is often
often intra articular
smith fracture clinical features
distal fragment is volarly angulated and volarly displaced
intraarticular extension, neurovascular compromise, an/or instability are more likely than in colles fracture
what type of people get colles fracture
insufficiency fracture of the distal radius in osteopaenic bone
happens in elderly people
who gets smith’s fracture
young persons