Dr Alison Grimaldi's Hip course Flashcards
Intrapelvic Stability mechanisms
Key elements of pelvic control
- optimal intrapelvic stability
- Optimal control of femoral head in acetabulum
- Optimal control of pelvis on femur
Active and passive stability systems
Passive stability systems
- bony structure
- ligamentous system
- Ligaments are not designed to maintain continous gravitational loads
- If you hold them in lengthened position - creep will allow them to lengthen
- Ligaments are good for controlling dynamic load, controlling end range movements, and additionally providing proprioceptive feedback
Active stabilisation
- consider role of TA and piriformis, iliacus (links into to TA) all provide deep support to the pelvis / SIJ
- we need good deep muscle activation ^^ to resist bifurcating forces of larger superficial muscles - w/o adiquate stability activation -> large amount of tortional force produced through pelvis
Stability systems of the hip joint
Passive structures
- Bony structure
- Labrum
- Fibrocartilage structure
- keeps negative pressure in the joint space
- maintains fluid that absorbs loading so it’s not cartilage on cartilage
The role of the active system
- to help absorb and direct forces imposed on the joint
inadequate active stabilisation leads to
- excessive impact loading
- excessive shearing/translation
- impingement
which lead to joint damage and migratory patterns of wear
Consider postures - sway back with hips forwards enables anterior translation with loose anterior structures
Posterior migration - lordosis posture - tightness in anterior hip
Deep muscle system
- primary function controlling femoral head in acetabulum
- small torque production
Iliacus, iliocapsularis, glute min, obturator int/ext, quadratus femoris, gamelli superior and inferior
Intermediate muscle system
- significant role in torque production and control of the pelvis on femur in WB and lower load function
- Secondary stabilisers of femoral head and acetabulum
- Glute med, piriformis, short adductors ilipsoas
Superficial muscle system
1’ torque production musculature and control of femur in WB
Phasic contraction
if always turned on - injuries to structures below
- Glute max, TFL, Adductors, Rec Fem, Sartorius, HS
Dysplasia type 1
- acetabulum is shallow
smaller weight bearing surface
Labral insufficency
movement patterns - w/ hip extension-> anteriorly directed hip forces incr -> anterior joint load with sway back posture
Gluteus Maximus
Upper glute max . -primary abd and ER
Lower glute max - ext + abd and ER
Function during gait
start of stance controls adduction
end of swing
- unilateral decrease in hip extensors 19%/22%
loss of muscle size
UGM Assymetry - hypertrophy in affected side
LGM fatty infiltrate and atrophy
TFL showed no differences even in advanced OA
Muscle unloading
Lower glute max is affected by unloading, upper glute max is not
Lower glute max atrophy may precede hip OA, just like quads atrophy precedes knee OA
Exercises for lower glute max
- glute bridges - avoiding hyperextension for anterior joint
Step ups
The hip abductor complex
External Rotators