DP 458, DM500, DM501, DP335, DM503, DM508, DM509, DM513 Flashcards
When a PO may pursue on foot? 2
RS that a crime took place
RS suspect poses immediate threat to public safety or other officers
Super visor responsability in a foot pursuits
considers specialized units such as K-9 or swat
Supervisor must authorize foot pursuit if: 4
into buildings, confined spaces, wooded areas, or isolated areas, w/o back up
Pursuits not conducted if: where 3
police entry would normally require a warrant
Officers can set up perimeter
no more exigent circomstance
When is Crime scene log used?
Any where perimeter has been established for crime scene
What death scenes will investigations respond to? 5
all suicides - w/o exception when under 18
death w/ firearms or suspicious
suicide with others present
on-scene upervisor or coroner feels suspcious
If death is result of lengthy medical history, discretion of on scene super or death invest
Guidelines for field interview 7
1- ID as officer
2- courteous
3- do not detain longer then to ask questions
4 - no Miranda needed
5- not answering is not in itself grounds for arrest
6- can ask for ID and is obstruction if RS or PC
7 - can falsely ID if consunsual and not crime
Justification for pat down criteria 5
1- type of crime 2- more then one handled by single officer 3- hour and locatoin 4- prior knowledge of suspect 5 - appearance and demeanor 6- visual clues DM501
pat down of search
if thin and soft out side reasonable and if find go inside
if hard case then look inside only for weapon
Reproting field interview connot mention what in Field Interview application FBR?
Gang affilliation, must document on hard FI and foward to gangs
Sexual assult, PO will:
make contact with vic confirm crime was acute happened in Henderson DP335 primary or follow up by detectives
Sexual assult kit when done?
less then 120 hours or 5 days unless other physical evidence maybe gained from physicians exam
done at UMC, county pays
sunrise for under 13
Kidnapping radio traffic:
dispatch doe not broadcast info over raido, by phone to supervisor
Domestic Battery purposeful or reckless course of conduct:
Stalking Arson Trespassing Larceny Distruction of private property Carrying a concealed weapon w/o permit Injuring or killing animal DM505
Does the 24 hour rule for Dom Bat for juveniles?