Donning an isolation gown and gloves; empty a urinary bag, hand washing required Flashcards
Step by step
Step 1 hands
Perform Hand Hygiene
1. Cover all surfaces of hands with sanitizer
2. Rub hands together until hands are completely dry.
Step 2 face
Face the back opening of the gown
Step 3 unfold
Unfold the gown
Step 4 arms
Place arms through each sleeve
Step 5 neck
Secure the neck opening
Step 6 waist
Secure the waist, ensuring the back flaps cover clothing as completely as possible
Step 7 g
Put on gloves
Step 8 overlap
Ensure that the gloves overlap the gown sleeves at the wrist
Step 9 not hands
Step 10 hello
Introduce yourself to the resident
Step 11 esplain
Explain the procedure to the resident
Step 12 place 1
Place a barrier on the floor under the drainage bag
Step 13 place 2
Place the graduate container on the previously placed barier
Step 14 open
Open the drain to allow the urine to flow into the graduate
Step 15 avoid
Avoid touching the graduate with the tip to the tubing
Step 16 close
Close the drain
Step 17 wipe
Wipe the drain with alcohol wipe AFTER emptying the drainage bag
Step 18 replace
Replace the drain in the holder
Step 19 level
Place the graduate on a level, flat surface
Step 20 read
With the graduate at eye level, read the output
Step 21 empty 2
empty the graduate into the designated toilet
Step 22 rinse
Rinse equipment, emptying the rinse water into designated toilet
Step 23 return
Return equipment to storage
Step 24 leave
Leave the resident in a position of comfort and safety
Step 25 place
Place the call light or signaling device within easy reach of the resident
Step 26 maintain
Maintain respectful, courteous interpersonal interactions at all times
Step 27 record
Record the output in ml on the previously signed recording form
Step 28 bold
The candidate’s recorded measurement is within 25 ml of the RN test observer’s measurement
Step 29 g2
Remove gloves, turning them inside out
Step 30 g before g
Remove gloves BEFORE removing the gown
Step 31 dispose
Dispose of gloves in appropriate container
Step 32 unfasten 1
Unfasten the gown at the neck
Step 33 unfasten 2
Unfasten the gown at the waist
Step 34 remove
Remove the gown by folding the soiled area to to soiled area
Step 35 dispose
Dispose of gown in an appropriate container
Step 36 wash 1
Wash hands: Begin by wetting hands
Step 37 wash 2
apply soap to hands
Step 38 wash 3
rub hands together using friction with soap
Step 39 wash 4
Rub hands together for at least 20 seconds with soap
Step 40 wash 5
Interlace fingers pointing downward
Step 41 wash 6
Wash all surfaces of hands with soap
Step 42 wash 7
Wash wrists with soap
Step 43 wash 8
Rinse hands thoroughly under running water with fingers pointing down
Step 44 wash 9
Dry hands with a clean paper towel
Step 45 wash 10
Turn off the faucet with a clean, dry paper towel
Step 46 wash 11
discard paper towel to trash container as used
Step 47 bold
Do Not re-contaminate hands by touching the faucet or sink at any time during/after the hand washing procedure