(DONE) Week 9 Lab Manual 18 Flashcards
define: stroke volume
define: cardiac output
- the amount of blood pumped out of the right ventricle to the lungs and the amount pumped from the left ventricle to the rest of the body
- rate at which heart pumps blood per min; symbol Q.
Explain the function of stroke volume
The stroke volume of blood is active in absorbing oxygen from the lungs while unloading carbon dioxide to the air and carrying absorbed oxygen and food around the body
What is the effectiveness of the cardiovascular system dependent on (2)? What is blood pressure dependent on(2)?
- dimensions and cardiac output
- cardiac output and flexibility of blood vessels
Give the equations for cardiac output
- Q= SV x HR
- Q/flow= mean arterial blood pressure divided by total peripheral resistance (TPR)
Give the following average measurements for a male at rest
- Stroke volume SV
- Heart rate HR
- Cardiac output Q
- SV: 80mL
- HR: 70beats/ min
- Q: 5.60/ min
Define: Sinoatrial node (pacemaker) (SA node) and give its location
- contracts heart by sending electrical signals that cause it to contract
- located in the right atrium
electrocardiograph (ECG)
- equipment that allows us to see the electrical activity of the heart
Define: Einthoven leads
- the 3 standard electrode positions used to produce an electrocardiogram and allows for 12 different ECG patterns to be observed
- give the Einthoven leads (3 main, 2 supporting leads)
- left wrist
- right wrist
- left ankle
- right ankle (reference electrode)
- chest (exploring electrode; optional)
How is a subject prepped before an ECG reading
- area where skin will contact the electrodes is cleaned and scrubbed with an abrasive to remove dead surface cells
- a conducting gel is applied
- electrodes are held in place by being incorporated into an adhesive patch
What is the importance of an ECG
- analysis of an ECG can reveal heart disfunctions
- example: delayed contractions of the heart chambers caused by disease creates an abnormal shaped waveform
define: bipolar ECG
- 3 electrode system is used: 2 recording and 1 reference electrode
- 2 placed on subjects chest and remote electrode on the scapula or sternum
Why is a 3 electrode system better than a 12 electrode system for muscular activity testing?
- subject cannot be tested properly because motion is restricted by so many electrodes
- requires little beforehand prep
Exercise electrocardiography is used to determine what (2)?
- if oxygen demand is greater than oxygen supply due to obstructed flow (given by ST segment depression)
- a more accurate measure of heart rate during exercise (in comparison to stethoscope, or palpation of neck or wrist)
define a sphygmomanometer
- equipment used to measure blood pressure
- compression bag enclosed in a cuff
- inflating bulb
- pump (increases pressure)
- manometer (reads applied pressure)
- controlled exhaust (deflates system)
- stethoscope
define: systolic pressure (SBP)
- pressure during contractions
define: diastolic pressure (DBP)
- pressure between heart contractions
pulse pressure equation
pulse pressure= (SBP) - (DBP)
- unit: mmHg
mean arterial pressure equation
- UNIT: mmHg
How is a blood pressure reading expressed?
- systolic pressure/ diastolic pressure
Describe the difference between measuring blood pressure indirectly and directly (give the method)
- indirect: sphygmomanometer
- direct: catheter into artery
Describe the importance of the bag and cuff size of the sphygmomanometer; give the width of a bag used for the average adult
- if its too narrow, BP reading will be very high
- too wide, BP reading will be very low
- inflatable bag should be 20% wider than diameter of the limb being measured
- 25cm-35cm circumference of bag for the average adult
Describe the 3 different types of manometers
- mercury gravity manometer: more accurate than the aneroid BUT mercury spills are toxic
- aneroid manometer: metal bellows elongate with the application of pressure
- electronic blood pressure monitor
What are some factors that can impact blood pressure readings? How do we try and negate that in the lab?
- anxiety, emotional turmoil, meals, tabacco, bladder distension, climate variation, exertion, and pain (stimulus of any in general)
- subject should be comfortably seated in a chair with back support and in a quiet room, resting for at least 5 min with legs uncrossed and feet on floor. forearm should be supported at heart level on a smooth surface
describe the Astrand test
- predicts maximum aerobic power (VO2 max) from heart rate measured at the end of a six minute work rate on a bicycle ergometer.
What is the standard error of prediction of VO2 max
- 15% in moderately trained individuals of different ages but 10% in well trained individuals of the same age
List the equipment used in the Astrand test (6)
- monarch bicycle ergometer
- electrocardiograph/ heart rate monitor
- pre gelled disposable electrodes
- stopwatch for recording exercise duration
- sphygmomanometer
- ruler
What are the work rates for cycle ergometry commonly expressed in?
- kilopond-meters per minute
- kilopond: force of gravity acting on a 1 kg mass
What is the pedalling frequency used in the Astrand test