DONE: Newborn Reflexes Flashcards
If you place a nipple in the baby’s mouth as it touches the roof of the mouth it will cause them to begin sucking. What newborn reflex is this?
Sucking reflex
Also called the startle reflex this reflex is usually triggered if your baby is startled by a loud noise or if his head falls backwards or quickly changes positions. The babies response to this reflex will include spreading their arms and legs out wide and extending their neck. They will then quickly bring their arms back together and cry. This reflex is usually present at birth and disappears by ___ to ___months. What newborn reflex is this?
3 to 6 months
Moro Reflex
This reflex is shown by placing a finger or an object into the babies open palm, which will cause a reflex or grip. If the finger is pulled away the group will get even stronger. In addition to the palmar ______ there is also a plantar ______ which is elicited by stroking the bottom of the babies foot, which will cause it to flex and the toes to curl. The palmar usually disappears by ___ to ___ months and the plantar usually disappear by ___ to ___ months. What newborn reflex is this?
Grasp Grasp 5 to 6 months 9 to 12 months Grasp
Stroking the outer sole of the foot from the heel across the ball of the foot causes the toes to hyperextend and the hallux to dorsiflex. This disappears by __ months. What newborn reflex is this?
Babinski Reflex
Hold the baby under their arms support the head and allow the babies feet to touch a flat surface, the baby will appear to take steps and walk. This reflex usually disappears by ___ to ___ months until it reappears as he learns to walk at around ___ to ____ months. What newborn reflex is this?
2 to 3 months
10 to 15 months
Stepping/Walking Reflex
Study Tip: Multiple parents are surprised by this reflex.
Hold your baby under his arms, support his head, and allow his feet to bounce on a flat surface, he will extend straighten his legs for about 20 to 30 seconds to support himself, before he flexes his legs again and goes back into a sitting position. This reflex usually disappears by ___ to ___ months, and it becomes a more mature reflex in which there is a sustained extension of the legs and supportive of the body by about ___ months. What newborn reflex is this?
2 to 4 months
6 months
Positive Support Reflex
A postural reaction, this asymmetrical reflex may appear between birth and ___ months. It disappears by ___ to ___ months. It originates in the brainstem vestibular nuclei. To elicit this reflex, while the baby is lying on his back, turn his head to one side, which would cause the arm and leg on the side which is looking toward to extend or straighten, while his other arm and leg will flex. What newborn reflex is this?
0 to 2 months
4 to 9 months
Tonic Neck Reflex or Fencer Response/Fencing
In the first months the tongue thrust reflex protect the infant against choking. When any unusual substance is placed on the tongue, it automatically protrudes outward rather than in. Between _____ and ____ months this reflex gradually diminishes. _____ children do not lose this reflex. They need to have food put into the side of the mouth and cheek and the late infant and toddler used to keep them from pushing it out. What newborn reflex is this?
4 and 6
Down syndrome
Tongue Thrusting Reflex
If the baby is on his stomach and you stroke from the neck to the spinal cord (paravertebral area) on his middle to lower back it will cause his back to curve towards the side that you are stroking. This reflex is present at birth and disappears by ___ to ___ months. What newborn reflex is this?
3 to 6 months
Galant Reflex/Swimmer’s/ Trunk Incurvation
When the dorsum of the neonate’s foot is brought into contact with the edge of a surface, the neonate lifts the foot and places it on the surface. Disappears by ___ to ___ months. What newborn reflux is this?
4 to 6 months
Placing Reflex
Present at birth. When the head of a neonate lying supine is turn to either side the eyes lag behind for a while and do not immediately adjust to the new position. Disappears by ___ to ___ months. What newborn reflux is this?
3 to 4 months
Doll’s Eyes Reflex
This reaction usually appears by ___ to ___ months and involves your infant body turning to follow the direction of his head when it turns helping him learn to roll over. What newborn reflex is this?
4 to 5 months
Derotational Righting
Study Tip: this is a reflexive postural reaction that usually begins later in the first year of life.
This is a protective response to protect the infant if he falls. Beginning at about __ to ___ months if anything falls, he will extend his arms and try to catch himself. What newborn reflex is this?
5 to 6 months
Parachute Response
Beginning at different ages this response helps the child learn to sit. The first is the anterior ______ response which begins at ___ to ___ months, and involves the infant extending his arms when he is held in a sitting position allowing him to assume a tripod position. Next lateral _____ appears at ___ to ___ months, causes him to extend his arms backwards if he is tilted backward. What newborn reflex is this?
Propping 4-5 months Propping 6-7 months Propping
Study Tip: this is a reflexive postural reaction that usually begins later in the first year of life.
It is also important that the reflexes are ____ meaning that they are the same on both sides of the body. Ex. An unequal moro reflex might mean that the baby has weakness on one side of the body.
If you brush the newborns cheek he will likely turn his head and his mouth will open and start to move searching for the stimulus. Present at birth and disappears around ______ to _____ months. What newborn reflex is this?
3 to 4 months
Rooting reflex
Study Tip: this is a reflexive postural reaction that usually begins later in the first year of life.