Domain 9: Additional Disabilities Flashcards
Describe the impact that memory deficits have on O&M instruction?
Memory deficits impact O&M instruction in the loss of rote memorization of techniques
What instructional strategies would you identify in your O&M lesson plan?
Use encoding techniques to ensure long-term schemas; create materials that give frequent reminders, i.e. memory aids, limited use of aids with few prompts, then familiar without aids or prompts. Chaining skills, tape record speech about landmarks on route, route shapes.
What are some common visual disorders found in learners with traumatic brain injury?
Field loss, reduced acuity, double vision, field anomalies, CVI, LV or total blindness
When providing instruction to a learner with hearing disabilities, what might be some additional preparation made by the O&M specialist.
Additional preparation made by the instructor for a HI learner include cue cards, representative models, tactile shapes, drawing maps on learner’s backs/hands
What community resources for communication are available to a learner with hearing disabilities?
Interpretors, TTY (outdated), text apps on mobile phones, telecommunication
What are the basic types of ambulatory aids used by learners with physical impairments?
Support canes, walkers, wheel chairs, AMDs, crutches, braces, scooter
Describe the benefits and potential limitations of O&M instruction for persons with chronic health impairments.
Limitations include shorter sessions in specific weather conditions, side effects of medication; benefits include motor movement and action, independence & self-confidence
What adaptations can be made to the O&M curriculum that would be important when instructing a learner with cognitive disabilities?
Adaptations to O&M curriculum for cognitive disabilities include short, repetitive tasks in simplified, mneumonic patterns of hands-on lessons. Task analysis, sequence, choice-making
Describe some common behaviors that are associated with an individual who has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.
Common behaviors associated with autism spectrum include perseveration on idea or repeated body movement; heightened frustration levels, difficulty with transition, impulse control issues.
Describe the following instructional strategies:
- time considerations
- task analysis
- forward chaining
- backward chaining
- sequenced instruction
- prompting
- interdisciplinary collaboration
- time considerations: scheduling for most beneficial time of day, program duration, and frequency
- task analysis: breaking down whole skills into component parts; number of steps is individually determined
- forward chaining: progressive sequence of steps of a route
- backward chaining: teaching the last section of a route first
- sequenced instruction: short term goals are taught to achieve long term goals; narrow in scope
- prompting: providing an additional cue or directive to achieve desired behavior
- interdisciplinary collaboration: working with other professionals to communicate the global needs of the learner.
When providing O&M instruction to a learner with cognitive disabilities, describe the benefit of teaching functional skills in the natural environment during the learner’s daily routines.
Relevant environments teach about the real world
When might it be appropriate for an O&M specialist to provide instruction in the use of an adapted mobility device (AMD) for a learner with cognitive disabilities?
Precursor for future skill integration or alternative when cane skills are too difficult; two-handed vs. one-hand
List specific O&M instructional strategies for a learner who has a hearing disability with visual impairment.
Discussion of events in environment; calendar boxes, tactile manipulatives/models, draw shapes on back, telecommunications
What are techniques a learner with hearing disabilities with visual impairment uses to communicate with the public while traveling in the community?
Cue cards, cell phone text window, interpretor, guestures, recorded voice prompts
What are some safe travel concerns for a wheelchair user with visual impairment?
Clear pathway, even surfaces, contrast, maintained equipment, weather conditions; negotiate ramps & buildings; overhanging obstacles
Identify instruction strategies for the use of the following ambulatory aids when providing O&M instruction:
- wheelchairs and scooters
- walkers
- crutches or canes
- wheelchairs and scooters: human guide adaptations, trailing for orientation & in safe environments; ETAs, use of long cane
- walkers: use of long cane adapted; reverse human guide
- crutches or canes: Sweep then step.
Why is a team approach an effective O&M instructional strategy for learners with multiple disabilities with visual impairment?
A team approach is an effective O&M instructional strategy for learners with multiple disabilities with VI because coordination between professionals leads to more benefit for the learner.
What other strategies are effective when providing O&M instruction to learners with multiple disabilities with visual impairment?
Planning & record-keeping, time consideration, task analysis, sequenced instruction, environment, motivation & prompting, coice making
Why is it important for the O&M specialist to know the names and side effects on medications being taken by the learner to whom they are providing O&M instruction?
It is important for the O&M specialist to know the names & side effects of medications being taken by a learner in order to determine causes for abnormal behavior or influences on performance
What are some common side effects of medications that would impact O&M instruction?
Dizziness, sun sensitivity, endurance, vertigo, sun downing, numbness, skin conditions
Define the following:
- emotional disturbance
- learning disabilities
- autism spectrum disorder
- emotional disturbance: condition in which a child’s educational performance is adversely affected by an inability to develop or exhibit interpersonal relationships.
- learning disabilities: a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken/written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. Can include perceptual disabilities, but not related to others such as VI.
- autism spectrum disorder: often described as being asocial, have a tendency to perseverate on an idea, or engage in repetitive behaviors, and may excel at visual-spatial skills but perform poorly on verbal, generalizationa, memory, and conceptual tasks.
Describe instructional strategies for teaching behavior skills as it relates to O&M instruction.
Instructional strategies for behavior skills in O&M include appropriately timed, accurately planned, intensive intervention; increase learner control over and participation in daily travel needs.