Domain 10: Human Development & Diversity Flashcards
What is the traditional sequence of O&M instruction?
The traditional sequence of O&M instruction is human guide, self protection, 5-point travel system, trailing, crossing open spaces, squaring off & aligning, searching patterns, numbering systems, long white cane, outdoor skills, residential, urban travel.
Describe the role of the family in O&M instruction for young children.
The family’s role in instruction for young children is for practice and encouragement;emphasis on strengths, promotion of choice, mutually respectful collaboration, holistic view of family and relationship
Describe the focus of O&M instruction for adults and older adults.
The focus of O&M instruction for adults and older adults is maintaining independence.
Describe the role of the family in O&M instruction for adults and older adults.
The role of the family in O&M instruction for adults & older adults is support and reinforcement of training.
Describe how persons from various cultural backgrounds could have different views of O&M.
Preconceptions of potential vary with cultural backgrounds.
Describe how cultural beliefs could affects a learner’s adjustment to blindness
Cultural beliefs may blame the learner, ostracizing her/him socially;
Traditional Sequence of O&M instruction
- -Preschool age: body awareness, basic skills, and school orientation
- -Elementary age: residential environmental concepts and related travel skills
- -Teenagers: independent travel in light business areas, the independent use of public transportatiory and the use of good interpersonal skills in asking for assistance in shopping and business areas
- -Adults with acquired vision loss: the entire O&M curriculum in sequence or selected areas based on critical needs e
- -Elderly people: travel in the home neighborhood, the use of public transportation and paratransit options, and critical skills necessary to remain independent or semi-independent in the home.
When might be appropriate for an O&M specialist to provide instruction in the use of an adaptive mobility device (AMD) for a learner with cognitive disabilities?
AMD are used before introducing the long cane.
- protective device for children and seniors because is easy to learn. (Later can be transfer to use the long cane)
- Also used as permanent mobility device for individuals with multiple impairment (limited strength, diminish coordination, limited cognitive abilities, impair proprioceptive and kinesthetic abilities.
List Specific O&M instructional strategies for a learner with hearing disability with VI.
- prepare the student with successful strategies to communicate with the public.
community characteristics, , general business hours, location that are likely to have pedestrian traffic, how safe the or dangerous the area is, communities that need to be avoided
Crossing Streets & driveways
teach the students the following situations:
*Strategies 4 X the street using available sensory info.
*Risk of crossing in a given situation
* strategies to reduce those risk
* weather risks are aceptable
Alternatives when the risk of crossing alone are not acceptable
alignment- skills to localize traffic sounds if able to differentiate the sources- practice to ID where each surge is coming from
Use devices to gain info
APS Accesible ped signals (vibrotactile output)
Use ETAs to augment awareness of traffic movement and position
What are tech that a deaf- blind use to communicate with the public while traveling in the community?
Gestures: tapping the cane or appearing to look around for help
Sounds, such as spoken voice, recorded messages or a whistle.
Notes, Cards, or sign held where others can see them. Needs to be legible, held up fo others to see,
When is cards is important to:
1: The assistance being requested
2. How others can offer assistance
3. the travelers VI and hearing I
What are some safe travel concerns for a wheelchair user with VI?
Great challenge is the quick avoidance of obstacles, hazards, drop-offs or reaction time to stop wheelchair safely - potential injury.
ID instructional strategies for the use of the following ambulatory aids when providing O&M instruction?
- Wheelchair and scooters
- walkers
- crutches or canes
Sighted guide technique
-Guide pushes chair providing environmental info
-Guide walks beside providing verbal info - traveler independent
Sighted guide- 3 ways sighted guide backwards guides hand on travelers elbow, guide hand on travelers shoulder blades, and guide place his hands on top of te students hand as they walk and give gentle prearranged tactile signals for stopping, starting or turning.
crutches or canes
Are less physical support than walkers but more support than canes. Two basic type of crutches- underarm and lofstrand. Clients may need one or two depending on their need of physical support.
Sighted guide
use traditional technique- if person use just one crutch use free hand to hold guides arm
- if uses both crutches, person can hold one of the crutched and hold guides arm or may ask guide to hold it
Why is a team approach an effective O&M instructional strategy with learners with multiple disabilities with VI?
Team approach is also know as interdisciplinary collaboration, enables professionals to coordinate effort and involve the family
- The goal is to enhance each student’s daily travel experiences
(Like the IEP- all the professionals ST OT, PT O&M, TVI)
What other strategies are are effective when providing O&M instruction to learners with multiple disabilities with VI?
Communication strategies: ID if is a verbal or non verbal student ; spoken words, sign language, symbolic system, tactile system, written communication, augmentative communication devices.
AT specialist and Speech Therapist can assist O&Mers
- Task Analysis: break down whole skills… number of steps, sequence, parts
_ Motivation - reward-base-system
Why is it important for the O&M specialist to know the names and side effects on medication being taken by the learner to whom they are providing O&M instruction?
medications for seizures disease can cause the student to be sleepy
blood pressure medication (if not taker correctly) can cause rise to high ot drop to low
- nitroglycerin tablets - cardiac emergency
- anticancer, antihistamines, diuretics, antidepressant, acne med. can make students photosensitive- 4 these student sunscreen is a must.
-antianxiety medications- valium: cause blurred vision in some students
- dilatin- cardiac and circulatory disorder can cause nystagmus
-prednisone (a steroid used to treat conditions such as come cases of asthma) can cause cataracts or increase ocular preassure.
what are some common side effects of medications that would impact O&M instruction?
feel dizzy (sit down for a minute)
photosensitive- wear sun glasses, visor
- its possible to minimize side effects by scheduling lessons for a time of day when the side effects tend to be less noticeable