DOC103K, USSOC doctrine Flashcards
Identify the five component commands of USSOCOM.
- Army Special Ops Command (USASOC)
- Naval Special Warfare Command (NAVSPECWARCOM)
- Marine Special Ops Command (MARSOC)
- Air Force Special Ops Command (AFSOC)
- Joint Special Ops Command (JSOC)
Explain how the SOF staff entities liaison and integrate with the land and air component commands during peacetime and wartime.
Special Operations Command and Control Element (SOCCE):
Established to synchronize joint land operations and harmonize actions between the SOF and conventional force elements
Special Operations Liaison Element (SOLE):
Liaison organization linking special operations air with the conventional air component
Identify what main assets USASOC provides to USSOCOM.
- Special Forces, seven groups
- 75th Ranger Regiment, 4 battalions
- 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR)
- Military Information Support Group
- Civil Affairs Brigade
Identify what main assets NAVSPECWARCOM provides to USSOCOM.
- Sea, Air, Land (SEAL) Teams
- SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) Teams
- Special Boat Teams (SBT)
Identify what main assets AFSOC provides to USSOCOM.
- Specialized aircraft and aircrews
- Long-range operations in denied airspace
- Special Tactics Teams (STT) including combat control, para-rescue, combat weather (WX)
Identify what main assets MARSOC provides to USSOCOM.
Marine Raider Regiment (MRR)
- Marine Raider Battalion (MRB): direct action, special recon, unconventional warfare, FID, civil affairs, information operations
Identify the twelve core activities of USSOCOM.
- Direct Action (DA)
- Special Reconnaissance (SR)
- Counterterrorism (CT)
- Unconventional Warfare (UW)
- Foreign Internal Defense (FID)
- Military Information Support Operations
- Civil Affairs (CA)
- Countering of Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD)
- Security Force Assistance (SFA)
- Hostage Rescue and Recovery (HRR)
- Counterinsurgency (COIN)
- Foreign Humanitarian Assistance (FHA)