DNA NON-enveloped viruses - Verma Flashcards
pharyngitis, common cold, pneumonia, and conjunctivitis are all caused by what family of virus?
Pharygno-conjunctival fever is what number of adenovirus?
adenovirus 3 and 7
Pneumonias and common cold- all ages
conjunctivitis (pink eye)-all ages
Acute respiratory disease (types 4 and 7)-all ages
Kerato-conjunctivitis (types 8, 19 and 37)-adults
Acute gastroenteritis (types 40 and 41)-infants and young children
these are all caused by:
what cells does adenovirus infect?
epithelial cells lining oropharynx, resp and GI tract
Does the adenovirus infection itself or host defenses cause cytotoxic damage?
virus itself
what is the mode of transmission of adenovirus?
aerosol, close contact or fecal oral
(blank) from the host is important in resolving the infection
(blank) spreads adenoviral spread (CDC campaigns for it all the time)
hand washing
Is there antiviral therapy for adenovirus?
no, or we would have the cure for the common cold
How do you Dx adenovirus?
culturing, serology for Ag, and PCR
If you have a negative strep, cervical adenopathy, conjunctivitis, and sore throat, what do you suspect?
Papillomas are benign tumors of (blank) cells
HPV types (blank and blankk) cause carcinoma of cervix, penis, and anus
16 and 18
what two proteins from HPV are the cause of cancer?
E7 and E6
What two tumor suppressor genes are inactivated by E6/7 in HPV?
p53 and pRB
Skin and plantar warts are caused by what numbers of HPV?
Anogenital warts (not cancer) are caused by what numbers of HPV?
6 and 11
Laryngeal papilloma in young children is an HPV infection presenting as:
benign head and neck tumors
T/F: HPV is easily inactivated
What is the scary easy way that HPV can be spread? And the other ways?
BREAKS IN THE SKIN; sex, vertically
what is the most common STI in the world?
HPV is present in what percent of all cervical cancer?
Which strains of HPV are high risk?
16, 18, 31, 45
Which strains of HPV are low risk?
6 and 11
T/F: HPV infects mucosal cells
true; CONJUNCTIVAL papilloma, genital and oral papilomas
E6/7 are (blank)genes
How do we Dx HPV?
microscopic exam; PCR
What are the treatments for HPV?
Podophylin, IFN, and cidofovir
Liquid nitrogen is used to treat (blank) warts. Surgical removal or use of (blank) acid is also used
skin warts; salicylic acid
Gardasil vaccine protects against which strains?
6, 11, 16, 18
Cervarix vaccine protects against which strains?
16 and 18 only
Even though an HPV infection (warts) may resolve in its own, the viral infection goes (blank)
What is the topical interferon used to treat HPV genital warts?
What is unique about the Parvovirus genome?
What causes slapped cheek syndrome aka 5th disease? what is the medical name for this disease?
Erythema infectiosum; caused by parvovirus
What are the other four rashes that gives 5th disease it’s name?
Measles, rubella, scarlet fever, and roseola
what is the mode of transmission of parvovirus?
resp inhalation
JC virus and BK virus are two types of (blank) viruses that infect humans
T/F: the monkey SV40 polyoma virus can infect humans as well
T/F: polyomavirus genome is only 5kb in size
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy is what?
fatal demyelinating disease of white matter involving multiple areas of the brain
Progressive multifocal leukoenceophalopathy is seen in what type of infection?
polyoma virus
What affects the visual field and causes weakness, leading to blindness and dementia and death within six months?
IN what group of patients do we see PML?
AIDS pts
(JC/BK) virus can cause nephropathy and graft loss in immune suppresed renal transplant patients
BK virus
In what percent of people do we find Abs for JC virus?
T/F: BK virus is also widepsread
When is polyomavirus reactivated?
when there is immune compromise
Where does polyomavirus persist?
Kidney cells, excreted in the urine
From what fluid can you do PCR to diagnose polyomavirus?
Is there treatment for polyomavirus?
By what mode of transmission is JCV spread that allows it to reach such high prevalence?
JCV goes latent in kidneys, (blanks and blanks)
lungs and lymphoid organs
What are the earliest signs of PML?
speech and vision abnormalities
Kuru is caused by what?
prions; eating human brains
What are the infectious materials that allow the spread of Creutzfeldt Jacob disease?
corneal transplant, brain electrodes, and growth hormone
What are the three ways of getting CJD?
- Iatrogenic infection
- Hereditary
- Spontaneous mutation
prions cause what category of illness?
transmissable spongiform encephalitis
Scrapie is a (blank) mediated spongiform encephalopathy
When does CJD normally onset?
50-70 years
What is the most common cause of CJD?
sporadic, over 85%
Ingestion of beef infected with BSE prions will lead to what disease?