DM T1&2 Flashcards
- polyuria
- polydipsia
- weight loss
- lowered plasma vol.
- hypotension
- loss of subcutaneous fat and muscle wasting
Diabetic Mellitus Type 1
dysfunction of peripheral sensory nerves/lower extremity
caused by dehydration and hyperosmolality
- polyruria
- polydypsia
- polyphagia
- obese diabetic
- mild hypertension
Diabetic Mellitus Type 2
promotes formation of ketone formation
carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1
gasping character breathing
kussmaul respiration
in the kidneys not filtering the blood from excess products
prerenal azotemia
needed to correct acidosis
sodium bicarbonate
leads activation of protein kinase c
presence of albumin in pee
presence of protein in pee
a common associated finding
feet ulcers due to lack og protective mechanisms, caused by PAD
gangrene of the feet
Diabetic Ketoacidosis manifestations:
- ketotic odor / fruity breath
- tachycardia
- dry mouth / dehydration
- acute pancreatitis
- cerebral edema
Ocular Complications:
- glaucoma
- diabteic cataract