Divus Augustus 50-75 --- G. Suetonius Tranquillus Flashcards
pro quibus meritis quanto opere dilectus sit, facile est aestimare
it is easy to imagine how much he was loved for his worthy conduct.
verecundia, verecundiae F
shame; respect; modesty, awe
biduum, bidui N
two days
stips, stipis F
small offering/coin
likewise; besides, also, similarly
strena, strenae F
favorable omen; a new year’s gift
through the streets
through the village(s)
absumo, absumere, absumpsi, absumptus
spend, waste, squander, use up; take up; consume; exhaust, wear out
decuria-ae F
the guilds
tribus, tribus F
third part of the people; tribe, hereditary division
libens, libentis (gen.), libentior -or -us, libentissimus -a -um
willing, cheerful; glad, pleased
facultas, facultatis F
MEANS; ability, skill; opportunity, chance; resources, supplies
delibo, delibare, delibavi, delibatus
skim/flake/scrape off; channel off; pick out a choice specimen; perform
acervus, acervi M
mass/heap/pile/stack; treasure, stock; large quantity; cluster; funeral pile
faustus, fausta, faustum
favorable; auspicious; lucky, prosperous
modulor, modulari, modulatus sum
sing; play; set to music
supplicium, supplici(i) N
punishment, suffering; supplication; torture